Check these out... Time Travel Sprinting through the Ages of Time Invincible Heaven has no need for Master Chief! Revenge If you don't stand behind him, feel free to stand in front of him
hey, they look cool, so did you ever create a photobucket acount? Ya anyway do you use photoshop or gimp just curious
Thanks for the cool looking comment....and yes I used photobucket, but I don't use photoshop, the pics are original... anyways thanks for the photobucket tip
Righto: I can tell you one thing Time Travel is very unique, like a long path. 4/5 expand more, if you can, try to redo it with something cool along side just walking on it. The lighting seems fine but the lack of variety only gives it a 4. I recommend expanding on this more. The other two, you definetly shouldn't keep. I find invincible just a guy jumping in the air with colorblind on. 2/5 and revenge is just the camera positioned at the barrel while the guy is moving. Which looks like an awkward, like he is looking at the screen while his gun is pointing somewhere else. 2/5 This is my opinion after all, i am just trying to help.
The time travel one looks nice .. The rest are just simple black and white screens .. So is time travel but it looks the best .. Nice try but try some different effects next time =]
time travle is awsom the outhere arnt nouthink great just black and white FX but i recoment doing time travle agane with old timy and jucey FX or old timey for more inpact wow my spelling is bad in that ...
Tahnks, I think Time Travel is cool too. I like the invincible one too, because when I took itt the backdrop was all black, but it came out kinda funky.
The first one, time travel, is epic. It looks like he is going into the stream of time. It is just an awesome pic. Very nice job, I love the effects. The other two aren't nearly as good but they are still above average. Keep making epic shots.
I really liked the first one, "Time Travel Sprinting through the Ages of Time" But are theese photoshopped or what? Because like i said the first one is good but the rest are just decent.
The first one looks really cool. I have never seen anything like that before. it looks like he is walking on it
very nice photos. but the are prtty blahn. there is nothing that really makes them pop out. work on that and you will have great photo's! again, these are pretty decent. 3.5/5