I'm going to start new map called Oasis. My hopes of this map is for people who like one sided game types will in joy. But I need people to judge my predictions of the map. First thing first: Info Name : Oasis Waterfall Type :One sided Base Map :Sandbox (Crypt) Big Features : Waterfall and Two cranes power weapons : Shotgun under waterfall, Sniper on attacker's side and spartan lazer on defender's side now make a picture in your head and say if it will be bad or good.
I'm sorry. But even with this info there is no way to tell. It all depends on the forger. But from the title and the things u have told me, it sound like u need to make it on the main level or the sky bubble. The Crypt is just to dark and stony.
Mostly depends on the z-change of the map. If the map is very hill-like it should be great. Use hills and slopes to affect lines of sights and strategic points. Since I'm guessing there will be little cover then the best way to make a smooth substitute is z-change. A flat map will be boring and unaesthetic. I also agree with Zombiecow, the middle floor is where it should be made.
um I'll say it, waterfalls with shield doors need to be tastefully done, and still might not look so epic... Also why is it called Oasis Waterfall if there are... Cranes? shouldn't it be more-so, Oa...sis...y? + Someones already made a map with cranes in it, I'll try to find it for you... Here it is for you if you want to look and see to base yours upon, (inspirational ) Short Straw