Awhile back, Infinity Ward asked it's followers on twitter what other killstreak options they would like to see. I posted "radar jammer that places random red dots on enemies map." Then seeing as the how many posts were flooding in, signed off and didn't think anything of it. About a two weeks later I checked the leaderboards today and my suggestions was number 11 on the leaderboard (link below)! And this was behind non-killstreak suggestions too (like "Release MW2 Beta!"). So if you like this idea as well, be sure to give me a thumbs up on twitter and hopefully I can have it pushed towards the top. Hopefully, it will get put in MW2. If it did I'd be so psyched!! FYI: My Twitter username is JohnBrodish Leaderboard — #MW2: The Infinity Ward Twitter Suggestions Box
Your idea isn't that great. If anything, it should be a perk that allows you to use it 2/3 times in game.