Just wanting some feedback about this idea, would the house from the TV show "The Simpsons" be unique? I really want to make this map, and just wondering if it'd be a good idea.
I know the exact layout of the house. I'm free on Saturday if you're online. All the years of being a Simpson fanatic have left their marks...
That sounds hilarious. If you could map the house out, that would be epic. And I think the Simpsons have one of the few houses that are in cartoons and don't change every episode.
They do change a little (The lounge sometimes moves to the front of the house and Maggie's room was Bart's room in Season 1). Only one thing, The Simpsons are yellow because they were printed by a company called Screen Print Plus. They developed The Simpsons for the first two seasons before a proper animation corporation took over. The ink that Screen Print Plus used was not available in brown, black, grey or white; so hence the Simpsons characters are either yellow or a very strange brown colour that arised from mixing sime of the inks together, and all there furniture is green, orange, pink etc. (There fridge and oven are green and their TV is purple for example). In Foundry you get next to no choice if colour. You could pull this off, but it just wouldn't be the same...
Yeah, but still even if it resembles the house close enough without the color it'll still be a job well done.
So your saying just make the living room, complete with couch and TV? That could work if I also added the front lawn or something.