I've been thinking about forge world after the vidoc and I've not only thought of map ideas, I have some ideas I hope bungie actually put into the game. 1. The water from the waterfall is moveable and can be caught in structures to create some pretty cool things. 2. Not only can you place rocks on the terrain, you can place trees and shrubs. This is something I really hope for as I have great ideas involving a high influence of the natural terrain. 3. Same as last point, but being able to colour rocks, in otherwords cover the rocks with grass so they don't look so bland when using a lot of rocky terrain. Thanks for reading my ideas and wishes for forge world, I would like to hear your ideas for forge world too
those ideas would be awesome to have, i to love natural terrain. however, i remember seeing in a bungie interview (can't remember where it was) that they said they weren't going to put in trees as objects because they were hard to make and "flimsy" The others 2 ideas would be great though. The thing i'd like to see would be duel gametypes such as infection where the zombies are attacking the humans while the humans are trying to stockpile flags
I hope (but highly doubt) that the waterfall will catch on other objects, trees and shrubs and similar items are not in the game, (ferrex answered) and it would be cool, but im also doubting that we'll have terrain brushes.
I was reading the last site update, or part two of the ferrex Q's & A's, and it was stated that trees are not placable and you cannot direct the waterfall (though Bungie said they wish they had the stuff to do it) and I'm pretty sure you could just colour the rocks with a light source.
Well Bungie said they aren't making trees and to make the water movable would be...well...awesome but also unbelievably hard and would make the game lag. It would require so many different moving objects that react with their surrounds it would be almost impossible. That being said, the rock color idea would probably be cheap and easy so if the community demands it, we could definitely see it as DLC
Something like making the rocks red so it looks like a volcano, Oooo another interesting map I could do.... and it's possible! crap I am adding more map ideas!
Yeah, I'm pretty sure the waterfall doesn't react apart from just splashing into nothingness (so that it doesn't just go through objects). I don't see why there might not be colors for the rocks but I imagine that they'll just be the team colors or just something that slipped the creators minds.
I never even thought about the physics of the waterfall. hmmm... Should be pretty sweet though just to have a waterfall. I sort of want to build a small farm somewhere in forge world.
I think that bungie made the waterfall directable, like you could make a small like river in that area, and great structures could be made with that, haha i just remembered a hotel lobby with that. Well, i know well all be enchanted by reach!!
No, you're as confused as that n00b-modder who wanted to know where the drain was on Valhalla so he could block it and the waterfall would flood the map.
Hmmm, if Bungie were to make those things, then I'm probably going to switch from Infection Map Making to freaking Aesthetics making in an instant, imagine a Waterfall and under in a walkway that is covered by the water acting as a secret passage, that actually sounds like a good Aesthetic Infection Map! But great ideas though.