Me again. Hopefully this one won't BLAM as much as the last one did: Anyway...Here ya go: MAP LINK - CLICK ME! GAMETYPE LINK - ME TOO! Here's my first ever map specially designed for a specific gametype, so here' goes (if it's marked with a + it's important) ::: Name: Derived from phrase "This is MY house!" Shouted by players when they kill someone else while in the Hill. Concept: I made a similar game in Halo 2. Took place on Ascension, by Rocket Spawn. Players on one team would have to jump over the edge and kill the players at the bottom. And then it would repeat...over and over.... +Map Description: (TOO LAZY TOO READ THIS? SCROLL DOWN TO "PICUTRES" SECTION) Okay...where do I probably just went to the pictures...well anyway, if you're still reading, I'll split it up into subsections: -The essentials: 8 closed containers out in the ocean (but by the beach) forming an octagon. The hill is inside, at the bottom. Technically that's all that's ESSENTIAL but... -HOWS do I get in???: Several teleporters located around the outside edge of the "ring" that lead to several teleporters on TOP of the "ring." For furture reference, the "ring" means the eight containers. Also, on three of the octagons sides, there's a radio antennae you can walk up, on two other sides, there are two grav lifts you can fly up on top of the ring with. Lastly you could just jump on a forklift on one of the other three sides. The final side doesn't have anything, as it faces the ocean. There are many crates throughout as well. Here's a little text map: NOTE OMG:........{[MAP NOT FULLY TO SCALE]} GL = Grav lift RA = Radio Antennae F = Forklift C = Crate* *Crates distances are an estimate, but it's really not important, if you crouch properly, you can jump from the crates to the ring. Ignore the "........." : ...................................................................................... ..........................NOTHIN'........................................... .....................__________..................................... .................../......................\..................................... ............. .F/...........................\F.............................. .....C......../............................... \...........C.................... ...............|................................ .|........................................ ..........RA|.............HILL............. .|RA......................................... ...............|.............................. ...|.............................................. .....C........\................................. /............C........................... .............GL\ ............................./GL.......................... ....................\____________/................................................... ............C..................RA........................C.................................. ........................................................................................... -Secenery: More subsections. Nothing here is really important***'s just for fun or aesthetics. ***Except this one. On top of the ring, there are three VERY VALUABLE pieces of equipment!! Use the Flare, Bubble Shield, and Regenerator to your advatage, they each can turn the tide of the game. There is also an active camo up there too. BUT MOST IMPORTANT....There is a magnum floating around in the hill. Very important that you have it. ^In the hill scenery: Some pallets on top of the ring to make walking easier, as well as some propane tanks just for fun. Barrel inside of the ring just for randomness. ^Out of hill scenery: Unofficial boundry is just a ring around those containers made up of Barriers and roadblocks. There are some fusion cores throughout, but since you probably only will have a shotgun, they're good for suicide spawn killing. :::Smile::: +Game Description: Start with shotgun and no shields, but you only take 90% of normal damage. Oh yay, and infinite ammo. In the hill, you do not have infinite ammo, or a radar...good luck... Only one hill, which never moves. Team play = On (Equally fun with it off though) Play to 250: 1 point a second for contesting the hill, 3 for unconsted, 2 points for a kill. The rest is pretty much the same, just remember weapon pickup is enabled when you play on my map ;-) . ++OMG PICTURES: (Still can't figure out how to properly embed...) Full View Front View Into the Hill NOTED FLAWS: So far, the only thing I've noticed is that the barriers in the ocean drift...a lot...but that's relatively unimportant - the containers, crates, antennaes, forklifts, and gravlifts stay. That's pretty much it! Feel free to post questions, comments, suggestions, or spam. Have-a some fun-a!
Re: MY House (KoTH Map) {Pics} you should try embedding the pictures into your post, and get rid of the text file as a map. you might also might not have too many downloads because the map idea isn't very original.
Re: MY House (KoTH Map) {Pics} A) Still don't know how to embed pictures...... B) The text map is just there in case your browser won't let you view the pictures (my browser & version just puts a big X for some pictures = wtf) And 3) I haven't seen anything like this on the files forum so far. It seems unoriginal, but it really is.
Re: MY House (KoTH Map) {Pics} i think the reason no one has made it yet is because it is so unoriginal that anyone could make something like that to play with their friends at any given time. people are looking for NEW ideas, not a hill in between a bunch of boxes.
Re: MY House (KoTH Map) {Pics} Hey justice lighten up a little. It sounds like an original idea to me, I have not heard of it before and if you can show me a link somewhere where there is. Also I like the text map it probably took a long time and he was just thinking of helping people. Lets give some positive comments! To embed images just use the button to the right of the ferris wheel looking thing at the top of where you type your post, or you and just type Code: [IMG]http://DIRECT LINK TO IMAGE HERE[/img] and it will be embed onto the page. -Donuts