I was referring to Hippo's, the one XXmoregamesXX had on, and the one Sarge should have on =]. But I made a thread about them a little back where I made orange one and now a bunch of people have them. i figured you made yours awhile ago because it didn't follow the format of the ones that I created and other people have created after me, I referred to them as mine because while possibly not the first to think of the idea it was original in my respect as I didn't copy anyone, and I was the first to publicize it.
Yea it was a combo of a sig xXmooregamesXx sent me and the idea of custom FH ranks themselves. I think I did use your template on everything with the exception of the bars, with that, I used a gradiant. Ok, but let's stop talking about this in here as to not go off topic.
Alright, well anywhoo this is pretty cool I know its a joke but I couldn't do that. my mom owns an architectural firm and she has an artist who can do the most amazing things with sketchup =]
Did you just push/ pull these out? You can set it to be extruded already... but you probabally knew that...
Hehe, even I could make one of these, and I'm a noob at Graphics and stuff. Wow I just lied that I could make one. Nice joke though
M5 Industries, in San Fransisco, California. It's the Mythbuster's HQ. I love them... Geeks FTW! (Although they are what I classify as "cool geeks") Being a Mythbuster would be like my dream job...
I think that there truly is a meaning inside of it. You got to look into its heart and see what it is really saying to you.