My Friend Danny On Xboxlive, Got A Copy Of Halo 3:Odst And Got Some achievements. He Said His Cousin Who Is The Manager Gave Him It. Is That Against The Rules Of Microsoft? Look At My Friends: GT Lil Devil9597:lol:
He is more than likely lying. There are illegal copies of the game floatig around the internet at the moment. Anyone caught online playing ODST before the release date, whether it be a legal version or not, will be console banned from Xbox Live.
Ya, i know a few people in real life who i saw playing online. The guy probably got it off the internet, which is illegal and not a good idea since the game comes out in a week
Teh Game Sound,Looks and Smells Awesome. Like a Hamburger With Awesome Sauce. No Hes Playing It On His xbox. He got It Free at Gamestop. Not The Internetz.
It doesn't matter if he got it legally or not, anybody caught playing it online prior to the release date will get console banned from Xbox Live.
I don't understand why people just can't wait for the game. It comes out in a week for cryin out loud. And anybody that is banned for it, gets what they deserve.
Everyone except the french, it was released like sept 2nd there and they can play it online, its not their fault the distributor was a dumb ass and let it out early. That is why there are alot of youtube videos of campaign and fire fight.
Dude this is a lie if he got some achievements it would say that on his achievement list and also it says he hasn't played campaign or firefight, so your friend is not telling you the truth.
copies that were brought from a shop are legal and should not be banned any other copies are ban worthy and did you know gullible was removed from the dictionary apperantly its not proper english, its "slang" just thought id mention it
A lot of people have this, I don't really complain, but it does mean that we can compare games and see the achievements for them. (which look incredibly easy). I just add 'Loan x' whenever I want to see the achievement list.
You do know the achievement list has been revealed by Bungie, don't you? They're all on your Achievements Page on Bnet
dude thats beast, wonder how many achievements i can get on the first day. Im getting really excited for the release of ODST now, i mean if its by bungie its worth buying EDIT: Dude i was looking at the achievements page and this is what it said. Campaign Complete: Legendary Date Earned: Locked Complete the Campaign on Legendary to unlock a new Firefight character. Do we unlock DARE or something and im just out of the loop? Or has no one found out that you unlock a firefight caracter by doing an achievment? Actually if you keep on looking, it says that you also unlock firefight missions and characters. But it only says you will unlock a new firefight character 3 times. So im guessing you only start off with the Rookie and 2 other people?
Probably Dutch Romeo and the Rook, maybe just maybe Johnson is a hidden unlockable. You know like how the map foundation was in halo 2.
Not true. In an interview with the "Police" of xbox live, they stated they would run a program to find out if it was a legal copy, if it was they would be sent a message asking where they got it from and bungie would take action against where they acquired their copy. Not the player.
Not True. The game was released in some parts of France due to some kind of error so the some of the French have it on their profile. Microsoft decided not to ban anyone with the game due to the fact that it wasnt their fault they got the game. But idk about that illegal copies stuff. Google it Im to lazy
Nah dude, DARE is definaley gonna be one you have to unlock, the Rookie will probably be there when you buy the game. And ya i think they should make sgt johnson unlockable for all those unlucky souls who didnt preorder
But then if Bungie does that then all the people who did preorder Johnson and spent the extra $5 will get pissed. I dont think its gonna happen. Maybe we get some other character. non-odst