Well, I recently got into GIMP, and my first sig was an entry for Sig of the Week Here it is I also made these in my free time, the first one I didn't like, so I totally revamped it into the second one. My newest one made today, I made this one a bit darker... that's from fallout 3 for those who didn't know... New one just made... hot off the presses you may say! It's from Star Wars: Force Unleashed My current favorite and the one that took the longest... I'll update this thread when new sigs are made.
There are both very very nice, I like the second one the best on my opinion. But I think my Sig owns, its really nice and simple, just cuts straight to the point!
Wow Randle their all freaking sweet. And the third one is really great. I still don't fully understand how to do the thing with the light-trail wispish thing, but that's because I don't know how to merge layers... How do you merge layers? (sorry... I'm a newb...)
For your first goes, they are superb. (Y) Just keep reading tutorials and stuff. GIMP Tutorials and useful snippets should help.
they're ok you've gone a bit over the top with the 'wisps' matt bellamy doesnt use leads when on stage so the idea of a wisp lead doesnt really fit in my mind. You want to try using scattering effects on your smudge brush
I've never seen Muse live, I added it more as an embellishment to the sig. I like wisps... but my next one won't have any, because it doesn't really fit with what I want to do...
HORRY CAO those are pretty damn sweet, i like the fallout one most and i am definitely looking forward to that...well after bothering me to post i finally have been able to navigate here XD