I'm not to experienced with G&A, but I like it. Seems the render is high quality, and the omniscient color fits well. Though some people could say its bland. Text stands out too much also, try to blend it more with the colors. All in all, its not bad but you can definitely improve it. Keep up the good work.
I love it. Only it is slightly bland (boring). The lighting on spider man fits perfectly and the blending is pretty good. Maybe somthing in the right hand side of the screen and more stand-out text. I can't really say anything because my sig was apperently the worst sig ever. But i think i knowenough to say that you havemade a very good sig. LOLWUT!! Posted at the exact same time as me and said everything oppisite as what i said.
you havent done much with the stock but i can tell that you have the 'eye' for it and know when to stop no grittiness and awful FX so great first sig
it looks like you made the background and slapped the render on.. it doesnt look bad but maybe blend it more and fill up the space more with c4ds and such and fix the text.. blend it in.. not so you cant see it but so it fits the style.. Hope that helps -Blivion
yeah i didnt know what to fill the space up with so i just left it and tried to make it look better. i just got gimp today so i was trying a few things