Hey guys here is my first sig I made on gimp. I made this the first hour I got gimp so dont critisize me to badly. Thanks Heres my second sig. Its not that good I was mainly just trying to mess around with everything to get a feel for what I can use them for I have a lot of layers, and I tryed to spray paint some silver color on it to make it look kind of rustic, but it didnt work very well. I like it though.
The sig itself is...ok, at least the colors aren't clashing. Except for the text, it blows. It stands out way too much and it's just bad. Bad color, bad font.
The quality is kinda bad. is it a JPG? Try saving it as a PNG. Also I can't tell whats going on to well. The red is to strong, and what the hell is the background? The text is really plain. Go to 1001fonts to DL some good ones.
Yeah well they're both pretty good. Also try looking up some GIMP tutorials. Just google "GIMP tutorials" and you should have a lot. GIMP Talk (or something like that) is the official tutorial site, so try that one. Good luck. Also check DeviantArt (spelling? grammar? style?) for some awesome brushes, which you can use to make some nice effects
I was born (sic). Great theme you got going there, and SLIPKNOT IS THE BEST BAND EVER OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG, I like it just because its Slipknot signature, ARE YOU PSYCHOSOCIAL?! Now for business: I would say clear up the effects over Craig's mask so you can see his masks eyes, and try blending the text a bit more. GO SLIPPPKNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT.
Hey guys when I try getting fonts from dafont.com I dl it and export and find the text in the program files, but I dont know what to paste in the text or anything. Do I just paste the whole thing?