Hello Graphics and arts, I proudly present my first C4d sig. V1 V2 with size adjustment this took me longer than usual, about 1 hour. Text: R0FLninja Sites used: Only GIMP except for photobucket to upload teh piczorz. Whaddaya think?
V2 for me but the shotgun on the left looks out of place, maybe just delete it. Also the text doesn't really fit the tag. Looks alright though.
The only part that is bad about this sig is the color of master chief, he is all black and grungy and it ruins the flow of the whole sig. Give him is original colors back. Also get rid of the vines.
Yeah the grundgeyness of him is to....well its bad. But better than my first C4d. but you should get some better/cooler fonts. go to dafont.com
Better fonts don't always make the text better. I would like to point out that the vines HAVE to go. I know you like them and all, but they just don't look good, on the right side they ruin all the blending, which also needs work. The grungeyness isn't good, its really bad looking. I do however like the size adjustment.
The vines have to go lol. The ruin the flow of the sig, you have the flow in two different directions and its really distracting. Also you need a simpler font for this sig.