My Evil Step-Dad

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Steeveness, Jul 19, 2008.

  1. NiceSteve

    NiceSteve Forerunner

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    Abuse during early teens... UPDATE!

    UPDATE: 3 Years later, or 1095 days later! I searched on Google to see if this thread was still here and sure enough it is... it's really strange reading back on what I went through when I was 15. Hopefully, the people that posted here are still active and might see how I'm getting on with life now it was only right to give an update to those that helped me get through those hard times...

    Shortly after posting this thread I fell further into severe depression my mother's husband was at it again he was arrested for assault on a minor (me) and he later admitted he had an alcohol problem which was no surprise. After my mother saw the effects this man had on my life she decided to stop the relationship and move on without him we spent a full year away from Derek and I slowly but steadily grew up and got better.

    I was on anti-depressants for 2 years after writing this thread and also sleep tablets because of some nightmares to do with the situation, although now I can gladly say all of this is now in my past. I am now 18 years old I have a job and I am in college studying TV and Film production and I am doing well, my mother and I still have a shaky relationship because of what happened but that's just life.

    For everyone for helping my younger self, I needed someone to speak to and this community was here to help without any trolling and for that I am truly thankful.

  2. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Good for you man, I just readup on this and it reminded me of my dad's life. I know he never talks about it and it's pretty frustrating not knowing what exactly happened, which may or may not be for my own benefit. I know that statistics show that you're more likely to have a good, flourishing adulthood if you had a rough childhood. I'm glad that people like you stick through these things and it shows that it's possible to come out on top.
  3. Skater

    Skater Halo Reach Era
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    I wasn't here when you made this originally, but I can kind of relate. My mom is a severe alcoholic and it's basically tearing my life, family, and school grades apart. My mom is wasted and near abusive every day, and getting arrested on a regular basis. So I can relate, somewhat.

    It seems that your new life is going great, good to hear it.
  4. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Holy **** lol....

    What an ungrateful little **** I used to be

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