Start drawing on sketch paper. Get a scanner. Other than that, very good work. Sorta looks novice in some of the works, especially the Eragon one (ERAGON FTWWWWW). Text seems off somehow, and Saphira is distorted, I think. Good show.
Um, I'm not the one to call plagerism, but I've seen the first picture somewhere else before. Maybe you re-did I'm not sure, but I've seen that concept from the same angle to. :/ All the others are really goos though, except one thing on the Christmas one. The candle's shadow in the Christmas one, it seems to stop for some reson when it should just overlap.
The first one is my idea. I know because I did it in social studies class last year. And the shadow ends because the candle is on a table and the table ends there.
Again, I'm not one to point the finger, but I've seen that concept before (a pencil drawing a pencil). And the table is lined up with the fireplace, that's why it looked weird.
Horrible paper, great art. I love the first one. Try not to use lined paper, and PLEASE dont get grease on your papers...
I know I've seen the pencil idea somewhere before. It's a decent idea, I've almost done it myself. The rest are alright. Everything that can be said as already been said.