I've lost Knothole Glade for Fable 2 and the Flashback Map Pack for Gears of War 2 and my brother has lost Castle Crashers. I'm not sure about other games, I know I still have the Mythic Map Pack and my Dead Space downloads but I haven't checked all my other games. I haven't played Fable 2, like 2 months and I try and load up my game but is says it has DLC I don't have. I got mad and went and played Gears of War 2, which I also haven't played for awhile and the Flashback Map Pack was gone, I have Combustible but not Flashback. Seriously, does anyone know what happened or has had it happen to them. EDIT: Sorry I just realized this would've been better in Gaming Discussion. Any Mods out there, Please move. EDIT, EDIT: Thanks Grif
This happens to me with my Halo packs. All you need to do is go to the market place and re-download it.
You shouldn't have to pay for them if you've already bought them. It may list the price but when you click on them it should say "redownload" and other options. Moved to Gaming Discussion.