my decent workz...

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by TaC0zorz, Aug 5, 2009.

  1. TaC0zorz

    TaC0zorz Ancient
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  2. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    Decent, but oversharpened. The second has a horribly distorted focal too.
  3. KratosAurion777

    KratosAurion777 Ancient
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    The photo-manipulation in the first sig is quite well done. The only thing about that one that is a bit bothersome is that the curved edges of the symbol are a bit jagged.

    The second sig is ok. As FragMan said, the focal is overly distorted. Also, the lighting in it seems a bit on the extreme side... I would crop most of the right side off because there is too much empty space, which doesn't work well with this sig.

    The third sig is pretty good. It is a bit odd having two focals, but it isn't too distracting in this instance. The lighting is a bit over-done, making the whole thing look a bit washed out. The flow is a bit messy, because of the vertical flow of the building on the left combined with the up-left diagonal flow of the girl on the right. The depth is also a bit lacking in this signature as well.

    On the fourth sig, I can't really tell what has been done (other than cropping an image and adding text) without seeing the stock.

    The last sig is your best. It has a nice color scheme, and the smudging is very nice. The flow is good, aside from that piece of C4D that is showing on the bottom left corner. The lighting is nice in this piece as well, though it is a bit too bright around the focal in my opinion.

    Overall, they are nice sigs, but the last one is definitely the best.
  4. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    first photomanip is, like kratos said, fairly well done. the japanese characters in the middle look slightly too flat though.

    second one, i have to agree that focal is split, but my eyes are drawn to the text, which is usually not what you want, but i still like how the text looks, even though its a little too grungy for my tastes. good lighting on this btw.

    third sig i have trouble with.. maybe because it is so small and yet you still fit a building into half the left side of the sig lol.. and that does somewhat disrupt the flow of the sig. good work on the c4d's though (and i don't like the border much but its just a border so who cares :D)

    fourth sig looks oversharpened to the point of looking low quality. like kratos said, it looks like a picture that was simply cropped as well..

    fifth sig IMO is your best.. its got nice bright colours, and a nice focal. unfortunately, your lighting is a bit overdone.. it is too bright on the right side, seeing as the brightest part of the sig should be the part above his right shoulder. also its too bright to see much.

    overall, good job.. tone down your sharpening to start with, but also i noticed that your sigs are saved as .jpegs. this makes them lower quality. if you want good, high quality signatures, save them as .png's. they will look better overall. nice job though
  5. TaC0zorz

    TaC0zorz Ancient
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    saved as jpegs because my photoshop is epic messed up and i can't save as .png. :\
  6. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    ah alright.. mesesd up that bad? try reinstalling?
  7. TaC0zorz

    TaC0zorz Ancient
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    i did, i can't get the files right. it all happend after i downloaded some brushes. i done screwed it up good :(
  8. KratosAurion777

    KratosAurion777 Ancient
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    What do you mean when you say "[You] can't get the files right"? Are you talking about when you install Photoshop, or the brushes?

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