Discussion in 'Halo 3 Aesthetic Maps' started by sexy dude, Jul 2, 2008.
ROFL I wink fire too
thanks love Aridpheonix Avatar it is brill
haha thats the biggest dwarf ive ever seen. quality map!
it aint a dwarf it is a very small dad
lol yea a midget dad. Like the idea, but how you get up other then a hornet or forge? jsut wondering
well there is all the flying things so you can get there easilly lol
No offence but your Dad is unbelieveably short and fat. rofl!
for god sake ONE it isn't my dad TWO it is ment to be like that and THREE hi
Lol funny. The eyes are good
thanks i tought they were as well thanks for noticing
Wow. I'm just speechless. This map................. It uh....... uh........... 5/5?