That only took...4 weeks (+some) without an xbox! Still looks good, but that is some serious halo deprivation...
wow that looks really good. its cool to see the lights. hmm i wonder how the red ring of death will look on it. lol just kidding. i woulndnt mind haveing it done for me cause it looks real cool. the guy did a nice job on it. excerpt mine would be the memphis tigers since i live it memphis.
Alright, I got the Xbox back yesterday. I'm extremely impress with the way it turned out. I'm posting a youtube video of the completed Xbox and a short review on Snowrider's work. Enjoy! Youtube Video Q: How well did he complete the project according to your specifications? A: 9/10 - There was a small color issue with the faceplate, he noticed it first and told me about it and has offered to send me a new faceplate that matches. The issue is so small you don't even notice it, i've agreed that it was not a problem. Q: How well did her comunicate with you during the duration that he had the Xbox and the time leading up to receiving your xbox? A: 10/10 - He contacted me after ever update and normally had pictures to show the process. I am very satisified with his communtication and it gave me peice of mind. Q: How well did he take care of your Xbox? A: 10/10 - It works as well as it did the day I sent it to him. He took really good care of my baby! Q: How satisified are you with the amount of time it took to complete the Xbox? A: 6/10 - It took about twice as long as expected to complete the case mod, but it was well worth the wait! Also, It is summer time and you can't expect someone to sit indoors 24/7 and work on something like this. Q: How happy are you with the price he charged you to have your mod done? A: 9/10 - I won't discuss the price too much but I can tell you that he was very fair. I would of expected more to do the work that he did to my Xbox. Q: Would you recommend Snowrider221 to anyone else to have a case mod installed on their Xbox? A: 10/10 - With out a doubt! He is a very trusting person and any one wanting a case mod will not rergret sending their console to him! Overall - 9/10
If it is there job, hell yes you can expect them to get this done. Anyways, looks good, I'm happy for you.
I'm not sure what you mean. Its custom made! So I suppose it comes how ever you want it to!