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That was epic. Not only did you no scope him while going through the lift, but you did it right after the bubble shield broke and before someone was able to throw down a new one.
Pretty awesome. Most people have done somthing like this at one point though. Anyway if you hadn't have fired a second shot it would have looked more like you ment to do it, instead of it being mostly luck. But still, props for the no-scope.
That was my best no-scope at around November of 2007. This was obviously luck because you twitch your reticule right before you shoot. It's better to actually try and aim. A tip is to shoot as soon as it turns red, but that requires a 'fast-as-hell' reaction time. Just practice, and you'll get better. As for the quality of the video, it was bad.
It's amazing what noscoping has evolved into's just plain stupid, as demonstrated by this video.