very horrendous quality, singer was off, etc. i am the one on the far left. In the case if you like it, you may download 4 songs for free here. the second song is new, and is being recorded soon. Album under construction.
Very good. I still have a soft spot for this style of music. Which guy was you? You looked like the singer, or the guy on the right
There was a lot less head banging than expected, but I still liked it. I couldn't tell which one you were, but I'm guessing most central guitarist, and why do you have a keyboard (if that is a keyboard)?
i am none of those. i am on the far left. bassist. it was well over a hundred degrees onstage that night, and we were all dying of heat exhaustion and dehydration. i almost blacked out several times, and my keyboardist said that his knees we shakin whenever he didnt support himself on his ****. which leads me to: Keyboardist. We have on because when i started the band, i was ultra into the little samples that bands like Disturbed, Evanescence and so on... plus i fell in love with the band Still Remains. It just adds a million possibilities, and i couldnt think of one band like us who has a keyboardist, immediately setting us apart from other bands. /end