Last Wed i was in a Review hub game, with quite a few people. I was planning on ,leaving on vacation later that night, but my ride showed up early. So I was still in the game, but not playing, then when i finally finished packing, I was yelled at, and had to leave. I never said i was leaving, and left in the middle of the game. So, i made this thread to apologize to everyone I was playing with for leaving unexpedidly. so my apologies to E93, the Yellow, Pegasis Delta, Gun Slinger, and all others who were in the game, who I have forgotten over the last couple of days. Hopefully i will be able to participate in another review hub game. -Bloumbas
I don't really know if this should be posted in General, I think it would've been better off in Off Topic. As for your story, ya, the same thing happens all the time to me, not vacation necessarily, but I have to leave unexpectedly, and with my mic broken, I can't really let anyone know.
Your right, off topic may be the right place, I was trying to decide between the two. If i was wrong, maybe a mod could place it in off topic.