My 360 Issue

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Soggydoughnuts, Dec 21, 2007.

  1. Soggydoughnuts

    Soggydoughnuts Ancient
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    Well I listen to music while I play streaming it through my computer because I have the Zune program, however there is a lot of music that it wont play. It tells me to go to but there is nothing on there about it.

    Does anyone know why?

    They weren't bought from itunes they are mp3 format

  2. shaba_levi

    shaba_levi Ancient
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    the Zune software recently got an update..if you have the update (youll know you do because the whole GUI has changed) it may help to delete all songs in your library, then restore them (make sure when you delete stuff from the Zune software, it deletes the file as well) from your Recycle Bin, and Zune will re-search for the files youve deleted, then restored, and re-detect them, its kind of like "starting fresh"

    This is a pain in the ass to have to do, beleive don't want to know much **** i stream, but its the best thing to do, and will save you a lot of headaches and "idkwtfisgoingons"

    Also, disabling sharing, applying the changes, and then re-enabling sharing usually fixes some minor streaming errors, like if changes you made to your playlist dont show up for some reason on the 360.

    IMO, the new Zune update was fine the way it was....

    Also, i find it better if you name files (especially audio) like so: Artist - Song Name

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