It's a decent tat'. And don't worry about people "bashing" why you got it; just because they think "tribal" and "christianity" don't mix. "tribal" is more or less just a style of tatting. If it looks good with something, go for it. It blends well with the cross, so I'd say it's a decent tat. I'd say let it age a bit more, get a better camera and then take a pic.
No offense intended with what I'm about to say: This is one of the most generic and boring tattoos you can get. Tribal is about as cool as those girls getting butterfly tattoos. Or calling them Tats. If you want to get a cross on you because it means something to you, by all means... I just would've been more creative with it. Just my two-cents.
Yeah overall it's a good tat. Not my style tho if ive got a tribal hawk onnmy shin but I prefer Hawaiian/ Tahitian style instead of tribal. Otherwise I like it line are Clean and it's symmetrical
Yeah man, I love tats. Sucks I haven't got one yet though. I plan on my first tat to be an elephant with his trunk up. It'll cost a lot of money I presume since I want it to take up most of my lower back, and I also plan on having a "ground" that said elephant will be on. The way I see the tat in my head, it looks really cool. But I'm getting it because elephants mean a lot to me. (As weird as that sounds)
I lolled at this, but not for what you said. Only the part where you said "an elephant with his trunk up." A guy I work with goes on all the time about it being good luck when an elephants trunk is up, so he wants to get an elephant head tattooed around his genital area. He says he'll have excellent luck constantly then. Sorry if this offends you, I just thought I should share.
Haha, not offended at all. I think it's funny though that he thinks that. While it's true that elephants with their trunks up is a means of "good luck". It's not per-say why I'm having his trunk up. I just think it'd look cooler if it were.
It would have been cooler if you had a tattoo of your ex girlfriend who cheated on you mixed with Zach Galifianakis.