MWHC29 I love to forge!

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by mwhc29, Feb 5, 2022.

  1. mwhc29

    mwhc29 Promethean
    Senior Member

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    Hi All. I retired after 30 years as a SAP programmer. Went out a couple of months ago and got a xbox one. I've had a 360 for years... actually 8 xbox 360's each with a monitor - i can;t do split screen. I had 5 upstairs and 3 down in basement all connected system link. We split them up between floors for the 'fog of war' playing slayer. otherwise when i would say to my buddy - there they are! all the girls would run!! So myself and mates against wife, daughters and their boyfriends (some of those guys were SOOOO good). I have forged probably 100's of maps. New to forge island, just got master chief collection. I am starting to work with HALO5 but it is different... it will take me some time. But, as i dont have to worry about work - or kids (all moved out), I have time!!! I've uploaded some of the maps i have been working on. Here's a PIC of mwhc29 (me!) and wife. Very nice to meet you all!!! mwhc29.jpg
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