This spot was found by HLG Brutality. It allows players to get underneath the map Outpost and kill while underneath. MW3 :: COMPLETELY UNDER OUTPOST!!! :: EASY! - YouTube Remember to SUBSCRIBE! it would really help us out
Awesome, can't wait to get killed from beneath the map. How about you just play the game how it's supposed to be played? God damn.
And ruin it for everyone else you play with in the process. Nice attitude by the way, truly fits in with your playstyle.
If you don't like it when someone gets under the map, just find another game and carry on. Simple. Also, I have gotten under only twice in a real game. Both times the guys on the other team weren't angry - in fact they begged me to show them how to do it.
I could care less if other people are interested, and can only hope it catches wind with IW soon. The fact that other people want to learn this is pathetic. And why should I have to leave a game because some ***** is cheating the game? No logic present here.
Well I guess some people like glitches, others don't. You're entitled to your opinion. But for instance, I don't like playing against people who find a nice camping spot where they can't be seen let alone killed, and just use the sniper to get cheap kills. What I do when people do this against me? Back out and find a more enjoyable game.
Thankfully it doesn't take long to find a new game in CoD even with a moderate NAT. How much of your life did you waste trying to find that?
Thing is, this kind of thing spreads soooo fast in CoD. Look at CoD4. Impossible to find a game that's not modded or whatever...
I paid $60 for my game, I won't leave because of some glitching assholes. Why do you feel the need to cheat online?
Wowwww, chalk up another reason on the list of why i havent bought this yet. i think that was quicker than all the other games, in terms of how long it took for people to start doing **** like this, eh?
It's not like I'm taking steroids in a 100m final, I'm exploiting a glitch in a video game. You might as well enjoy this glitch before it gets patched, which it most certainly will.
I don't think your getting the point of what some people are trying to tell you. If you can't beat people online by playing by the rules (no matter how cheap you might find camping, it isn't against the rules to do so and is a strategy that gets success) and have to result to exploiting glitches you are breaking the spirit of the game and are thus lessening the experience for other players. Showing a video of how to do it is fine, in fact I encourage showing glitches in games, I find it an essential process for the developers to see what they missed and sometimes glitches are fun to do. Advocating using the glitch to kill people online is a **** thing to do though and will only result in people eventually getting banned for abusing it. I mean just think of the implications of what you're doing. If everyone "exploits" this glitch then everyone would be under the map with you and essentially you're not playing the game right anymore. If you're doing a private party with some friends and you want to surprise them then sure because its a safe environment but do not justify cheating in online play with the lame justification of "I paid ___, I can do what I want". If I buy a gun I am held responsible for shooting other people with it I can't just say, "Well I paid for this gun, I can shoot it at whatever I want". Perhaps a little morbid of a comparison but the point is that justification stops as soon as your actions influence other people.
First of all, I have a kd of 1.92 Secondly, not everyone can do this glitch because it takes practice. Most people, if someone on the other did this, would probably back out and find another game. No big deal. And finally, this was patched this morning. Infinity Ward can't take away my fond memories though, as I think about all the noobs who were forced to quit out.