Which of the type do you prefer? There are several wide open maps such as Derail and Wasteland, but then alot more technical complex maps such as Kamachi and Favela. Also another question, which do you think play better with the new style of gameplay? My Views: I think the new maps are a good widespread compared to the original MW, there is alot more variety that means you have to change your style of play game after game. I personally prefer the more technical levels, but can do alright for myself on either of the two. I think this is because I prefer the maps from the original so they suit my style of play. Favorite Map : Invasion, Kamachi or Favela. NOTE : I play alot of multi-kill games e.g. Headquarters and Domination so this might vary from gametype to gametype. Let me know your views! Include your favorite map.
I like complex maps, but not too complex. Maps like Terminal, I just love that map because of the layout, and favela, where there are multiple ways to reach rooftops. I hate wide open maps, its just for snipers and the game consists of that or running for 5 minutes over to the other side.
My favorite two have got to be Highrise and Terminal. They are complicated and so offer great, innovative cover, and also there are alot of sharp corners and tight spaces so i can better take advantage of my fast reaction time, powerful weapons, and cold blooded and ninja perks.
My favorite is sub base because Its a very easy layout and I like the snow. It also supports very close ranged combat which is what I prefer. Every map you like are maps i do not like. I also don't like to change my play style. I either go assault rifle or very close range. I don't like sniping so i do not like wasteland or afghan or derail..
I like derailed because it is somewhat of both. I can snipe on that map, or go with a rifle... My other favorites are Favela, the rooftops are fun as hell, and the map itself is fun to run through. I also looooove highrise because of all the different routes(underground, on ground, the cranes, etc) Scrapyard is another fav cuz of all the junk in the middle & epic battles that happen in the buildings when you play demolition
It really depends on the map. For example, I hate the openness of wasteland, but derail is amazing. I hate karachi and invasion with a passion, but love maps like terminal, favela, and skidrow. Complex without being too complex.
I love Terminal and Derail although they are two completely different maps. I love the reality of Terminal and the exciting rooms and large atmosphere/environment. You can go in the airport's several rooms, the airlpane and even outside. On the other hand, Derail is so simple with one big "warehouse for sniping and a few trains to block some vision on the map. I don't know these offer the best of both worlds (no that saying is not owned by Miley Cyrus).