yeah, they are badass though. And when you kill someone the killcam follows the knives like the grenades. Lol campaign only. You only get the intervene (forgot the name) and the Barret at the start.
Intervention. Strange how we went from like 6 snipers and 2 shotguns to 4 snipers and like 8 shotguns. Ah well, will be fun. Nobody used the other snipers anyway.
Na, you can unlock everything on prestige 1. The other prestiges unlock call signs and the prestige icons. I think at higher prestiges there are pretige only challenges. Theres 4 snipers and shotguns are secondary now too, thats probably and explanation for the amount of shotguns. What im annoyed about is the number of assault rifles when much of them are very similar.
How many weapons are there in all? Can you explain why some weapons and equipment unlock so late? (ex. C4, RPGs, AK)
Theres alot more than COD4. Ill go through the list and explain some. Just the ones ive used. And the reason why some unlock so late, i dont know. Its probably because they are much different from COD4 and are change because of that. One that boggles me is C4 at 43, even though no one uses it lol. Assault Rifles M4A1 (default)- This is sort of the same as the one from COD4, it looks alot better too. FAMAS (lvl 4)-This is sort of like the m16 i havnt really used it much. SCAR-H (lvl 8)-Gun ive used the most, check some of my older posts about this. TAR-21 (lvl 20)-havnt used it much FAL (lvl 28)-I really hated this gun it was sort of like the G3 and M1 M16A4 (lvl 40)- Pretty much the same as COD4 it is not as OP anymore which is good. ACR (lvl 48)-Check soem of my older posts F2000 (lvl 60) AK-47 (lvl 70)-Its pretty much the same as COD4 but with less recoil and it feels better too. Sub-Machine Guns MP5K (default)-This feels good but it feels weak too. Its alot like its brother the MP5N UMP45 (default) This feels alot more like a assualt rifle than a smg. Its pretty much the all around weapon. Vector (lvl 12)HATE IT P90 (lvl 24)Exactly the same as COD4 but fires a little faster. Mini-Uzi (lvl 44) Sniper Rifles Intervention (beginning) Its alot like the M4a1 (i think thats what it was) but its a little different. Barret .50cal (beginning)-Didnt use it much WA2000 (lvl 36)-Didnt use it at all M21EBR (lvl 56)-This is like the dragonov a bit but a little more powerful. Riot Shield (default)-So much fun. (i found out if a shield is coming at you,go to prone and shoot his feet. Thats how you kill him from the front) Secondary Weapons(Cant really comment on them, didn't use them.) Equipment Frag (default)-yeah deafult stuff. The range is shorter and there is now a trail behind it. Semtex (default)- havnt used it much so i havnt worked out the difference besides sticking. Throwing Knife (lvl 7)_i found them stupid and crap. Check some older posts. Tactical Insertion (lvl 11)-Really helpful, but people can camp your respawn and spawn camp you. Risk vs reward. Blast Shield (lvl 19)-Didnt use it Claymore (lvl 31)- They are the same as COD4 C4 (lvl 43)-Never ever used c4 Attachments Grenade Launcher-The same, but a little shorter range. Red Dot Sight-The same, but they look much cooler. Silencer-Same ACOG Scope-They are much cleaer to shoot through and dont sway as much. FMJ-Its pretty much deep impact from COD4 Shotgun-Its a shotgun attachment like the grenade launcher. haven't used it. Holographic Sight-I cant tell the difference much between this and red dot. But there is a bit. Heartbeat Sensor-Its good and changes the way you play ALOT Thermal-Didn't use it much Extended Mag-Didnt use it at all. Special Grenades Flash Grenade x 2-Same Stun Grenade x 2-Same Smoke Grenade x 1-Stays a little longer and is a bit thicker. Deathstreak » Deathstreaks page Copycat (default)-I found it useless Painkiller (lvl 6)-Its only good if getting spawn killed. Martyrdom (lvl 27)-helped every now and then. Final Stand (lvl 39)-It helps a heap, you can get back up after a few seconds and you can use your primary weapon. Perks Perk 1 » Perks page Marathon (default)UNLIMITED SPRINT! and PRO gets you over objects really fast. Sleight of Hand (default)-Its the same as COD4, PRO lets you aim down the sights faster Scavenger (lvl 13)-THIS HELPS SO MUCH. Every guy you kill drops a blue package of ammo. When you run over it you instantly get ammo back. This is a must with the SCAR pretty much. PRO is the same as bandoiler Bling (lvl 21)-This gives you two attachments, i really only used it in SND with a scar. Any thing else i used scavenger. PRO gives you two attachments on secondary weapons. One Man Army (lvl 45)-Change classes while alive, i dont see the point in this. Perk 2 » Perks page Stopping Power (default)-Same as COD4, i used this all the time. Lightweight (default)It lets you walk around faster, to me the difference was only slight.PRO lets you aim down the sights straight after a sprint. Depends on what gun your using to how good the impact is. Hardline (lvl 9)-This is just lowering your kill and deathstreaks by one. Cold Blooded (lvl 25)-This seems really useful yet i never tried it. Your name wont show up and there is no red crosshairs. Its also UAV jammer and the like. Danger Close (lvl 33)-I think this was more explosive damage and more kill streak support damage. Perk 3 » Perks page Steady Aim (default)-Same as COD4. PRO is just iron lungs. Scrambler (lvl 17)-Scrambles enemy radar in the area. The area is very small and sort of lets others rack you down. Ninja (lvl 29)-You dont show up on heartbreat sensors. PRO is dead silence from COD4 SitRep (lvl 37)-This is bomb squad from COD4. PRO makes everyone elses steps louder to you. Last Stand (lvl 41)-Yeah last stand pretty much(you can now crawl). PRO lets you use grenades. Ive probaly got some wrong, cause i couldn't remember all of them and i didnt use much of them. But i hope this helps some people.(sorry for grammer and spelling)
EPIC KILLSTREAKS: 3kills-UAV- The same as COD4. This is what ill be rollin with. 4kills-Care package- Drops a care package with ammo fill or a random killstreak. I really didn't use it that much, to me it was just a filler till other streaks. 4kills-Counter-UAV- Stops enemy UAVs. I heard you can actually shoot down the UAV plane though, never tried it. 5kills-Sentry gun- places an AI turret at your choice. To me it seemed a little overpowered for a 5 killstreak, but i was only playing with 4 people so it probaly will balance out in higher people games. 5kills-Predator missle-Pretty much what you've seen from videos. I found this really good. You can control it which i found good and you can also see the map and where the enemies are for a few seconds. 6kills-Air strike- This is the same from COD4 but you can now control the direction. Does a bit more damage and slightly bigger radius. Overall the same. 7kills-Harrier strike- A group of planes will bomb the selected area before a harrier plane protects the area for a few seconds. Its basically an airstrike with half a stationary helicopter. 7kills-Attack helicopter-Same as COD4 8kills-Emergency drop- This is just 4 care packages dropped at once. Ive never used this one. 9kills-Pave low- Its the same as the other helicopter but super strong and much heavily armed. Never used it. 9 kills- Stealth bomber- This is like a super airstrike. I used this a put it on a building pretty far away. Then i look up and a stealth bomber drops so many bombs and kills me and where i placed it. The radius on this bombing run is HUGE. I don't think people can see the plan on the radar/map either. The setback is its only 1 bombrun instead of 3 planes like the airstrike, buts its ownage. 11kills- Chopper gunner- You get to be the gunner of a chopper. I tried this and the ac130. This is good but for the same amount of kills the ac130 is much better. The minigun has like a lockon/ super auto aim thing, but its still not as good as the ac130 IMO. 11kills-Ac130- This is pretty much ownage. 15kills- EMp strike- This wipes out all electronics. Everyone that is currently in a killstreak loses it, all UAVs go, anyone using any thermal scopes or electronical attachments stop working. It makes everyone go back to the cave men days. 25kills- tactical nuke- Kills everyone on the map and ends the game in a huge explosion. When i first did this my mouth dropped.
You start with UAV, care package and predator missile until level 10. Once at level 10 you can unlock a new killstreak and every 5 levels i think after that?(not sure) You can choose any three from that list at a time.
Finally killstreaks STACK! It annoyed me to no end when i'd have to kill two people really fast- and then my UAV gets replaced by an air strike.
Ooh, if you're using the laptop for say, an AC-130, If you die, does the AC-130 gunner die as well, or what happens? Also, with sentry guns, are you the only one who can move it? Or can team-mates and enemies move it as well?
If your character dies on the ground while you are in the AC 130 or chopper gunner, (or any other one that requires you to be away from your actual body), you will stay in the AC-130 until the normal time is up, but your actual soldier wont respawn until your killstreak time is up and you go back. i think sentry guns stay where you set them until they are destroyed, but im not sure on that one.
What he said. But, only you can move the sentry turrents around though. But care packages anyone, even teammates and enemies can get them.
I know! lol I think Sentry guns only operate on a 180 Degrees axis, but if you place them at a good angle they can mop the floor with you. YouTube- modern warfare 2, tdm pt 12 Lots of killstreaks in this.
YouTube- Modern Warfare 2 - Headquaters Gameplay nuke in an online game he destroyed in that chopper gunner.