Today I was in a party chat with some friends playing some Domination when one of them said IW is releasing the Stimulus Pack for free "because the multiplayer is so broken." While I seriously doubt this, my friend usually has his facts straight about this kind of stuff. Can anyone verify this?
Yeah, when he said that the rest of my friends immediately declared it true and laughed at me for being the only one to call bullshit.
I entered this expecting it to be a rant at how ridiculous the 15 dollars is for a map pack... Son, I was disappoint
Yessir... I'm buying the mw2 pack though. Unfortunately I don't have BC2 yet... (but at the end of the month I will.)
After what IW has put us through, this map pack should be free. I dont think a stimulus package is necessarily used for bailing people out. I would say a stimulus is used to stimulate growth of something, so in IW cases, their "stimulus package" map pack could be to regrow their fanbase...
Ive never understood why people like BFBC..nor why people buy CoD map packs. Glad my xbox is broken so I don't have to pretend to make the decision of not wasting money on these.
This is why I like you. I bought MW2 for the mutiplayer, and now I can't play with my friends unless I spend an extra $15. You'd think after passing $1 billion in sales and laying off employees without paying due royalties, they'd have enough money to justify dishing out some free DLC. My 360 is out of warranty and RROD'ing, so i'll spring for a new one... May 2nd?
I don't care, mostly because I don't think the pricing is all bad. Think about it: 5 maps for $15. That $3 a map. A Halo 3 map pack was 3 maps for $10. That $3.33 per map, which means this is actually a pretty good deal.
yeah. nobody complains at having 3 map packs for halo, and an additional game. brings the total up to 90 extra dollars. this is 15 bucks for 5 maps, while in halo it was 90 bucks for 12.
You didn't have to buy ODST. Or if you wanna split the price of ODST it was 30 bucks for 12, thus it's still a better price. Regardless though, Halo maps take more effort to create, coupled with the fact that MW2's launch maps were horrid, I think 15 is a bit heavy. The Stimulus map pack also has two ports, which are direct transfers with mild graphics tweaks. With Halo's remakes, they could just directly be switched over, they were completely rebuilt to transfer a generation. These maps are just transferring between games that come out way too quickly.
The first one sucked balls. BC2 is awesome though, there just aren't any cheap tactics. They're all viable and all counter-able. See a guy camping in a building? Blow it up. Are you sitting up on a ledge picking people off? Well pretty soon there will be a marker over your head that says please shoot me. I was on the fence about getting the maps and then I played a glitched lobby, yet again. So why should I give IW money for a game they don't even care about? Besides BC2 is way more fun and less frustrating.
I realized that when I heard it was like 1200 points, that I was never going to buy it... then I realized I havent played the game in months, so then my brain told me the most logical thing to do was actually trade IN the game towards Reach. It truly was a stimulus package. Thanks Infinity Ward!
just to add to this also, due to forge, technically you could have an infinite amount of maps with just sandbox well alot OT: i am not getting it so far, i play cod occasionally, and half the maps bland together in my opinion, at least halo has much variety. and forge, i love forge. Plus 1200 MSP is a ridiculous amount to pay, they should be 800 or less, as IW are rolling in it. nothing is free, so 400-800 seems reasonable.