so post ur riot shield setup, and post when you use it. i use my riot shield with commando, marathon and lightweight my secondary is an AA 12 with red dot and throwing knife FTW one game i got 15 kills using only the shield and throwing knife... so yeah. friend me to screw around in deathmatch with shields
Well, I for one HATE the AA-12. Riot Shield Thumper Throwing Knife Flashbang Grenades Marathon Cold Blooded Commando (Pro) Martyrdom
I use the RIOT CONTROL default class lol... riot shield, dual pp2000's or w/e they are(silenced I believe), and i forget the perks, but its pretty fun
I think the riot shield in any game not just MW2 is a pathetic excuse for not dieing, let alone it showing your teammates and your enemies that you blow at the game. I personally think the riot shield is useless and pointless to be even implemented in any video game including MW2.
i think the riot shield is frikkin hilarious. thats my opinion. and i know riot shielding is noobish. but its funny. and you get a lot of exp if you stare at a helicopter. i got like two ranks by taking the full attack of a copter. it was the first time i ever loled at MW2.
I do agree, the only thing beneficial out of it is getting a good laugh while your opponents are pissed off, even though I only use it when purposely messing around.
well what did you think i use it for? winning? the only bad thing about screwing around with a shield is it makes my k/d spread suffer, even though my sister and dad do that enough.
I'd like to argue this. Sure some people use it because they die a lot, but the real strategy here is to distract someone while a teammate kills them. Also, most people who use them don't do it for protection, they use them to charge their enemies and kill people with melee. Anyways, a smart user would use throwing knifes and would switch weapons when their enemies are reloading in front of them. I'd have to say that people don't know how to act when they encounter a riot shield, sure moving behind them is what you must do, but it's harder than you think.
oh yeah, throwing knifes = epic. me and my friends blocked out a bathroom in estate with our riot shields, and all of us had blast shield so one grenade wouldnt kill us, and i would pop out from the bedroom when one dude sat their staring at our wall of riot shields and light the dude up with a throwing knife.
I for one love the Riot Shield, and have two set ups for it. The first one is your run of the mill set up, made for getting close and support for friendlies. I use this one for Deathmatch games mostly, and my record with it is 30 kills and 12 deaths. Riot Shield Striker with Grip Throwing Knife Smoke Marathon Lightwieght Commando Martyrdom But my other Riot Shield set up is made with Sabotage and Demolitions in mind. It can push it's way into the enemy house and shoot it's way out, or stay in. It's set up is: Riot Shield N/A Claymore Smoke One Man Army Cold Blooded Ninja Martyrdom
Yeah my friends and i use riot shields on objective games. The one with the shield will go in first and draw fire or just distract enemies, then one or two of us will follow in behind and kill everyone. Its quite a good strategy for objectives like CTF. Although i did find how to kill a riot shielder if its one on one and they lost their throwing knife or arent using it. If you sprint at them, jump when when you get them and sort of look down and a little to the side then knife, it should kill them every time.
I'd also like to say that Riot Shields are not uber powerful. People get bad K/D spreads that use them, albeit they use them poorly, but clearly they aren't indestructible. In fact, there are a good many ways to handle these guys, and I'll admit that in my early hours I panicked (I still sometimes do) but I've learned how to handle these guys. Second, I'd like to point out how much they kick ass strategy wise. I was playing some Domination on Skidrow, and anyone who's played that knows how much of a ***** B can be at times. Well, I had two people with riot shields lined up in front of me, and together we pushed our way past and captured it, and did so/attempted multiple times. However, what would get us is my poor use of their cover, or grenades. But they did work, and it was fun(ny). So before you sound like another moron ranting about pointless ****, think to yourself "Noobs will always exist" and maybe you'll begin to understand why your complaints are so damn annoying. RARARANOOBTUBESRARA FYI, that wasn't directed at anyone, it's just more of a general statement.
riot shield magnum/m9/spas-12 throwing knife flash/stun grenade Marathon Pro Lightweight Pro Commando Pro Painkiller
You can use this thread which lists all weapon and perk unlocks.
i think you just haven't properly used the riotshield in mw2. the main use for the riot shield is to provide moving cover for a teamate... not to go solo. in objective games such as search and destroy or demolition the riot shield can be a game winning addition to the team. btw my riot shield class: glock 18's akimbo throwing knife ( for when you find yourself on your own ) stun x3 scavenger ( for the throwing knife ) lightweight ( to keep up with teammates ) commando be sure to either play with people you know, or find some people with mics so you don't go solo with the shield... because that is usually suicide
The one and only time I've used the default riot shield as part of a strat is on Rundown, rushing Bravo in Demo at the start of a match. Other than that, and similar situations, I would never use it.