DUDE! i just got a headshot with a grenade via direct impact. The grenade was from the martydom deathstreak
That would be sweet if martyrdom was an un-noobish deathstreak, although I guess most deathstreaks are a little nooby
no, everyone would use stopping power like the noobs they are. I was sniping next to a circular structure when someone with an LMG came walking up to me. Naturally, i ran around the circular structure to avoid is fire. He chased me a bit, then turned around, hoping to intercept me on the other side of the circular structure. However, i expected this and turned around as well and ran up behind him and knifed him in the back while he was looking for me. I love doing that. Having those little 1v1 moments where you totally outsmart some random guy on the internet.
Juking A form of player manipulation in which case you have them think a certain way or do something that will work in your favor. More on this later.
Are you aware that addin any of those suggestions besides the guns would dramatically change how everyone plays? Not to mention the unfairness and other balance issues. Like an extra kill streak? Some of those killstreaks are already rediculous as it is, now they get a total of 4 killstreaks all together?
They wont. I had a 6v6 private match going on on Terminal earlier today with Radar set to Always On and Killstreaks disabled. Everyone tried using Cold Blooded and it didn't work.
Yeah, I didn't understand it either. I guess Infinity Ward ****ed up (big surprise.) Anyway, I'm starting a private Domination match on Terminal with unlimited score and time with Killstreak rewards disabled and radar always on. If anyone wants to join, add me and join session in progress and play for a bit.
IW didn't **** up, you changed the setting to 'Radar always on', not UAV always on (A.K.A. Cold Blooded's purpose). Anyway lately I've been playing SnD lately, and I got a pretty nice score of 19 and 5. I still died five times, but 19 kills was pretty amazing in my opinion.
Yeah, I believe people with 'Modded' names have JTAg xboxs. I've seen names in full blue, with button symbols, everything. But if you play on the PC, it's rare to find someone without a colored name.