Yeah, but it's only boring if you die all teh time like chuck. @chuck "i dont play with idiots, in fact i'm the idiot of the team. I play with the same dewds who rarely let me down. " I should do this more often for comedic effect.
my dying is more beneficial to the team than your "im going to sit up on this corner next to the terminal library and not say a word the entire game"
Are you referring to a certain someone? Prestiged on thursday, back to 57 this morning. God I keep getting sucked into this game. It's like I play, just to find a really good match once in a while. As in, no noobtubes, riotshields, extreme camping, etc.
Played ONE game of Hardcore TDM on Derail. To put it bluntly, I would rather shove shards of broken glass in my **** and swallow my own nutsack than ever do that again. I couldn't find anyone because they were all hiding in the back of the map in ****ing ghillie suits sniping.
I quit this game. For some reason, I was a lot better at Call of Duty 4, and I liked that one more, too.
Yes, because I'm automatically supposed to know that there is someone hiding in the bushes with a silenced sniper rifle on one of the biggest maps in the game with Cold Blooded Pro and a ghillie suit. I don't know about you, but playing a game of who can hide the best and wait for someone to walk into your field of vision is not fun in the slightest.
When you get shot the camera pans over to where you were shot from... And if you don't know where all the usual sniper/camp spots are already your problem is you haven't played enough.
It's like that bad girlfriend that always ****s you over and the only way to get rid of her is to break up and never speak to each other again.
Scobra, can you please leave this thread already?? geez man, always whining in here. On another note: Get a whole team to noobtube in MM, and you guys will get much respect.
I'm not stupid enough to have not thought of that before hand. Besides, I had much more satisfaction just snapping the ****ing thing in half.
Allright i'm about to do some serious complaining about MW2 so if you like it you better get ready to flame. Where to begin, where to begin. Lets start with the people who play it. (in this i'm mostly talking about people i know) Almost every person who has MW2 are not really true gamers. The only reason they have a xbox/ps3 is because they got it to play mw2. If mw2 didn't exist a lot of people i know wouldn't have a xbox. None of them go to any gaming websites. This game makes them feel like they have skill just because they can N00b TUB3. Almost no one i know at my school haven't even touched single player/spec ops. They just play 24/7 working their way slowly to 10th prestige. I don't see how people can play this ****ing game. So many times people will yell about how did he see me or how i shot him. This game pisses a lot of people off. If you're doing good getting a high kill streak. BAM! noob tube kills you. This is soooo stupid. So many people just run around with the best guns and just camp or something else stupid. This game takes almost no skill. I'm sorry, but thats just how i feel about this game.
MOTHERFUCKINGSHITBAGS WHAT THE **** WAS INFINITY WARD THINKING WHEN THEY SAID "OH YEAH C4 IS TOTALLY OKAY TO HAVE IN SEARCH AND DESTROY" I was the last guy alive on Rundown and I snuck around the ENTIRE ****ing team that was right next to me, got to A plant and planted it, then the ****ing C4 kills me from 10 feet away.
Sitrep sarge, sitrep it also happens to have a big red light flashing on the top. Anyways, M16 heartbeat sensor and steady aim. Why do so few people use this, it's like the models hipfiring, then there is ADS for long range and you know where every nearby enemy is, including the campers. If there's a camper then why not throw a flashbang and get an easy kill. It's all about planning.
Finally got my Thumper Veteran III, 2500 kills at last That puts my secondary Vet. III count up to 3; the M9, the Spas 12, and the Thumper.