Just followed some boosters around until they got pissed and left to play search, then my friend and I joined thier matches, and played against them, got a harrier with kills and a pavelow from my care package, they almost cried and left. Then, we joined thier game about an hour later, on thier team this time, we basically stole the bomb and brought it to the enemy team (ala underdog ) and pinned them to the wall and shot clip after clip so the enemy would find us . The boosters were left dignity-less and pissed, and my friend and I in histarics and quite a jolly mood
Here's an update on my quest for Mr. Nuke: 1st near success: - On Afghan, my chopper gunner got shot down about 20 seconds in. F*ck. 2nd near success: - On Scrapyard, I'm not sure if my chopper gunner got shot down or not, but my teammate had to be so exposed walking around from where I was prone, so I died. I didn't choose a good spot to do it anyway. Sigh. EDIT: YouTube- Modern Warfare 2 - Kid Getting A Tactical Nuke - Reaction Funny vid I just found... 2ND EDIT: Finally got my nuke! Map: Terminal Game: Domination M16A4 w/ Red dot sight M93 Raffica Scavenger Pro Cold-blooded Ninja Pro
Free for all -> Spectator mode -> Find nuke boosters -> Sneak up to them with an RPG ->when they're on a 22-24 streak, suicide bomb while laughing maniacally down the mic. Also, I got EIGHTY ****ING THREE tenth prestige messages today. TWENTY SIX boosting requests. NINE friend requests. And danger closed, camped, shotgunned, thermal'd, harrier'd and heartbeat'd to ****ing oblivion. I'm not going back to this game until the DLC, it's really not enjoyable any more.
Oh you guys are ****ed up! I mean, I understand if they were boosters but sheesh. To the point where they wanted to cry!? Thats low... lmao, but ****ing hilarious! I can't imagine how upset they must of been!
Oh, it's insanely funny, the messages you get are hilarious. I have had a couple of kids cry, the best one was from a 7 year old kid with a whiny voice, he sounded so distraught and frustrated, he was just pouring his heart out into letting me know how appreciative he was of what I'd just done. (Not very) The best one I did was with a Javelin, I was barely around the corner from them with danger close, locked onto the other side of the map, and launched from in the building, whilst strafing back to them. Killed us all, he was on 24. It's SOO fun.
-.- I was just enjoying my time, playing ground war, and all of a sudden I join a game and its modded. Without my choice, I get to level 70, all camos, leaderboard hack, and gold desert eagle. I didn't really want this since I wanted stuff legit, but I'm stuck with it now. Oh well.
Yeah, but I don't want full reset since I got this far, and what is my excuse going to be? I was forced into modding, that doesn't sound too legit. I guess I'll just stay. **** MW2.
Damn that sucks, I got fall camo for about 5 weapons. I would hate to lose them just by stumbling into some modded game... Whats the total amount of custom classes you can have? Is it 10?
fallen in love with LMGs first it was the aug, then it was the mg4 now its the m240 so much pwnage. 3rd game with the mg240, choppergunner and an 7 kill streak where i died knifing a turret for lolz
Anyone stating this is bluffing for attention, or covering. It was posted from IW's twitter that anyone claiming they were forced to join a modded game is lying, they joined from choice. You can try to cover it by claiming this, but truth of the matter is you joined this. Also in future, if anyone else claims this, or say they accidentally joined a tenth lobby in matchmaking, didn't really, they joined of their own will, and should be shunned.
So I've recently been playing RDR and it's ****ED up my sense of aiming, I still have the sniper loop down really really really ****ing well (as evidenced by some awesome shots in the round-ending killcam) but I'm too used to the sniper lag in the western game. So when I see a guy running around, or just sitting there and im moving my sights to him, i miss. Sucks. My sense of strategy is still as good as it has ever been though.
for online yes the limit is 10 and no one with a brain would host a modded lobby in a public game because there jtag will get banned faster and there not making money for another kv
High 5 to that, but i only use the AUG HBAR. The weapon sucks huge balls at long distances but dominates at medium to short ranges. I think im gonna try another LMG too because you don't see too many of them. I remember I got a comment on my "strange" HBAR when I got a game winning kill with it. I had silencer and thermal attachments with fall camo on it, people were really surprise to see that combo on a gun like the HBAR.
Fuel is HUGE for a CoD map. You definitely need tac inserts for that map. Just about to play carnival now.
Fuel is amazing. Nice lighting and buildings. Trailer park looks like the ultimate in SPAS frustration, and carnival looks like some seriously fun camping. I thought I'd post a few "strange" strategies I've been using. Strat Primero: Tactical Incentive: So when I'm playing mosh pit and search and destroy comes up, the classes that have tactical insertions (all of them) become less effective. So recently I've been putting my TI (tactical incentives) in obvious places for bait. Then, you sit and wait for the compulsive noob. Strat Segundo: Doodles: Well I don't actually use this, but my brother (GunnerGrunt) has used it to some success and good laughs. First, you find a nice wall with light colors that can contrast the color of your bullet penetration. Then, you make a doodle (an arrow pointing the opposite way you're facing or something like that) and wait for the curious noob to go check it out.