MW2 lulz! & Discushhionzzz

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by B3NW, Nov 10, 2009.

  1. Red Army

    Red Army Forerunner

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    I'd be embarrassed if I were you to be honest.
    You really care that much to wright all that up?

    I think this topic needs to go back to talking about MW2 and not about whether you have a bigger E-***** than me.

    Sarge, you need to calm down and start acting a little more like a Moderator should and less like an egotistical child. Seriously, you just took it much further than I thought any normal person would bother with.

    You aren't acting like very good representative for these forums right now.
  2. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
    Senior Member

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    I'm just defending myself, you should probably learn to shut the **** up instead of arguing with someone who was merely venting and by extension humiliating yourself.
  3. Chron

    Chron Ancient
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    Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't this whole argument about MW's noobtubes.

    Onto another topic though.
    I've come to notice that I use my knifing class way too much. Whenever I'm not using and come to a player on player situation I always accidentally knife and get myself killed. It's really ****ing annoying.
  4. Red Army

    Red Army Forerunner

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    Sarge, you wanted to win an argument on the net. Simple as that.
    Seriously, grow up. I wasn't insulting you. You however did start insulting me.

    If you want a serious discussion then sure, but you just started to get more and more insulting and immature. I'm not going to bother any more. You want to win this argument then fine, you win.
  5. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
    Senior Member

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    Uh correct me if I'm wrong, but I wasn't in the argument to begin with. I was venting, you STARTED an argument, and in your loss you're playing the "You're pathetic because you continued an argument I started" card.

    For further insulted first.

    Which gives me free reign to humiliate the **** out of you, after all:

    Ding ding. If you want to continue this, take it to PMs, as it's now moved from Noobtubes to discussing your own lack of forethought.
  6. Red Army

    Red Army Forerunner

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    You really think you humiliated me?
    Honestly I find everything you've done in this thread humiliating to yourself. I mean, you're just a bully. You think that because someone has a different opinion to yours, they must be wrong.
    Like I've said, you want the glory for winning the argument. Congratulations you win. I think you should clean this thread up. Most of your retaliations have had nothing to do with the thread.

    Anyway. You've proven, to myself at least, that you've probably become a Mod because of friendships or notoriety with people here, rather than actually being a good Mod. If you find that opinion wrong because it's not the same as mine, go for it flame the hell out of me like you have the past couple pages.

    This is my last post concerning this. You've taken it too far.
    #2986 Red Army, Apr 26, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2010
  7. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
    Senior Member

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    <3 Sarge
  8. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
    Senior Member

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    You have to admit, if you hadn't been on one side of the arguemnt, you would have come in here and ended this long-o time man.

    It deteriated when Army got on to the topic of Epenisssss

    and what the hell are you guys smoking, i ****ing love toobs.
  9. LD

    LD Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I did ...

    Also, I think this was about MW2 once, as far as I can remeber ...
  10. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
    Senior Member

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    I really like the Thermal FMJ UMP, it's great for long randing because one or two short bursts will kill anyone, even with the bounce(why fmj)
  11. Spawn of Saltine

    Senior Member

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    ehhhh.. got to 9th prestige yesterrday. I've played for like 22 days and 20 hours lol. Thats shared between my brother who doesn't have a job, his friends, and I. Its really irritating coming up with new strategies and loadouts each prestige since I don't like using the same guns over again. This prestige I'm focusing on the Vector and the FAL... Neither are weapons that I will be whoring up on my 10th prestige. Afterall my favorite weapons are the Tar, MP5, and the AK. LMG's never work for me...
  12. LD

    LD Ancient
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    I have never changed my weapon since MW2 came out, 90% of my kills are UMP kills, the rest comes from picked up weapons and the usp. Somehow I never got bored with my class. (UMP Silenced, USP Silenced, Semtex, Stun, Marathon, Cold-Blooded, Ninja .. It's called ULTRA Bukkake and would approve it to my Mom)
  13. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    Pro class, apart from cold blood, swap it with lightweight or hardline if you're using the UMP.

    Silenced AK really is unbelievable.
    Like, only a LITTLE bit worse than the UMP.
    With stopping power, of course.

    Iron sights > greater than red dot / holo on 80% of weapons.
  14. Red Army

    Red Army Forerunner

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    I use Iron Sights on 90% of the weapons I use. I figure using sights is a waste of an attachment and Bling is a waste of a perk.
    Silencers all the way. Gives you a major advantage.

    I use a lot of weapons.
    At the moment I'm on level 60 7th Prestige. Using the UMP, M4A1, RPD, FAL, M1 Sniper.
    I use the M1 like the FAL, just put the ACOG scope on it and it's an assault rifle. It's pretty fun to be honest =P

    Side note, when I get to 9th Prestige level 70 I wont be Prestiging to level 10. Simply because the 10th Prestige emblem looks ugly as hell and 90% of 10th prestige people have just use the hack to get 10th prestige or gone to a 10th prestige lobby to get someone to hack it for them.
  15. Spawn of Saltine

    Senior Member

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    The UMP-45 pisses me off. When put up with any other sub machine gun ( and assault rifles in a lot of occasions) it always ****ing wins. The fact that it has so much power even with cold blooded and a silencer on astounds me.
  16. Red Army

    Red Army Forerunner

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    Well it's accuracy is pretty dodgey, I mean you hold the trigger down for longer than a second and you're looking at the ****ing sky...

    Okay a slight exaggeration but still >_>
  17. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
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    The UMP is the "pro" gun in this game. Everyone uses it, just like the mp5 in cod4, and the mp40 in cod4. You get it at an early level and it rapes a lot of the guns, including the high level ones.
  18. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    the mp5 in CoD4 was fine. it was good, but it didnt dominate. The UMP is overpowered, but i really dont mind it that much. the mp40 in WaW on the other hand, i cannot express in words my hatred for that thing. and at least SMGs are effective in modern combat. SMGs werent even ****ing used in the european theater of WWII.
  19. Mischgasm

    Mischgasm Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Pro because it takes 3 shots to kill with any setup you put on it? Mw2 is hardly a pro game to begin with.
  20. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Made a knifing class.
    <3 MW2 again.

    Oh also... 3000 GET
    #3000 Bloo Jay, Apr 27, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2010

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