so vote on the poll, than post why. i put hardcore because im used to it and better at it, no other reason. i just hate the connstant radar the other team has. edit: people are voting, not posting, but just post why you like it better please! keep this thread at the top.
i like em both, its just when people shoot their teammates that get in the way, they die. also, due to the lowered health/increased weapon damage, you just need to spray everywhere where you teammates arn't. however, it provides a much more mature experiance, which is a huge pozitive.
ooh ill have to try that out then ive mastered the M16. I usually play ground war though. SO many kills lol
I like the regular play lists. I play video games for fun, recreation-ally, and just to waste spare time. The regular play lists suit my casual playing style and I've tried Hardcore, it's alright, but I tend to find that the majority of the people in those play lists are dicks and try hards.
well i dont have a mic, so as far as people go, i could care less. but with an ideal community, which do you like best?
I don't have MW2 (yet) but I suppose Hardcore mode is as it is in the original Modern Warfare (still playing it on PC)-in which case, I prefer Hardcore. The easier kills make it more intense in my opinion.
yeah, same thing in my mind. and the constant radar screws it up. i hate popping up on radar every time i take a shot.