already told you in a message. i wanted the bridge and barriers to never respawn so teams would have to work around the map and reform strategies rather than staying at their base and waiting for the bridge to spawn. or if a team works forever to knock out a barrier, then before they can even get the flag, the barrier respawans. it's a waste of time and no fun. plus it's more realistic if they never come back.
The Rat Review The Rat Review( your very lucky, I dont give these out to often) Originality: 5/5, You are a Pioneer, Evan. Ive never seen a Majority of this map's feature's before. My personal favorite is the Barriers, It gives me a feeling of an openable door, which I dont get to often. Aesthetics: 5/5, The only possible thing that could make this better is a Fallen Pillar. Ill let you decide if that should be in a v2. Gameplay: infinate sign/5, This goes above and beyond my expectations. I cant describe it in words, actually. Design: 5/5, The maps features fit together quite nicely. The maps bigger pieces lace together like fine cloth. The Interlocking is flawless. It is truly a work of art. Overall: 10/10, This is one of my all time favorites of Forgehub. This, and Lygophobia, deserve featured. And you, Evan, deserve to have a Higher Status, and need to be mentioned in the same league as Furious D, Cosmic Rick, Shock Theta, and AZN FTW Cheers! Desert Rat 852
I like this map its pertty fun... but um while playing my friends and i discovered u ca jump on top of the mancannons and into the middle room
lol, thanks a bunch dude. i havent gotten any gameplay review yet. so even if your review is not very in-depth... i dont care. it's still sort of helpful. I'm flattered that you would even think about comparing me to Furious D and Cosmic Rick... but really, i don't think I'm there yet. thanks again. ya, it was discovered by a few of my testers as well. but it really didn't turn out to be a problem at all. it just let people go in there to get the shotgun rather than breaking a door or spawning in the middle room to get it. thanks for the help anyway.
Im sorry It wasnt in Depth. I was crunched on time that night. Not joking about the featured, however. The gameplay is like the bastard child Of Linard Skinnard and Aerosmith. Chew on that for a little bit....