Ok well yesterday I was getting my hair cut, right? And somehow music got brought up and my mom was there and the lady cutting my hair. Btw my haircut looks sexy now. So then later music got brought up and the lady asked me if I liked some singer or group or something. My mom said I was more of a Coldplay person and she said that they are OK, but she doesn't like that new song "Human" on the radio. I told her that was by the Killers and she went on to say how she just thinks it is the stupidest song ever and it always made her think of men dancing around in tutus or something like that. Later I was in the car and I told my mom I kinda like that song. So 1. She didn't know who sang it. And their style is totally different that Coldplay's. Chris Martin is English for god's sake! 2. It seems to me that whenever there is a new singer on the radio that isn't some R&B artist or Rhianna or some insanely pale chick that sounds like she is english with a song that has a beat that might be kinda catchy the first time but annoying the rest, that artist kind of gets overlooked or bashed. Ok if you haven't heard the song here it is. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6r4KT8-VX0 Srry I know I'm overreacting a bit, but opinions?
Love that song, although not my favorite on the album. *cough* I cant Stay*cough* But yes I agree, nowadays the people just stick to what is in and dont expand and look to see what other great artist are out there. Bunch of sheep.
Yeah they are definitely well known, but they aren't POPULAR or at least that's what the top 40 stations would like you to believe Anyway lol