I've been at school for almost a month already, and haven't produced anything good since my current sig, imo, so I went to dribbble.com for inspiration, and came across this little concept: Dribbble - Dark UI Music Player Design Psd (Freebie) by Pixeden I tried to make my own version of it, with a personal touch. I screwed up the icons a bit, but whatever, I think it came out great. Also noteworthy, I did NOT download the PSD it says there, I made it all from scratch. CnC is greatly appreciated.
You mean sharpen and then shrink it down? The resolution was good initially, but sharpened looked way better.
No, he means that when you initially make the UI elements, make them at a higher size than necessary, then size them down when you use them. You get less jagged edges and can put more details into things. In particular the edges of anything round will look better if you do it that way.