I just wanted to know what you guys think the meaning of a song is and why you think it's good or bad. Reason The reason for this is because a couple of days ago my friends and I were having this argument about why songs are bad and why songs are good. He told me that I had no taste in music because I listened to Fort Minor.The only reason I listen to Fort Minor is because all of his songs have a meaning to it that does not have to do with sex or anything unlike 50 cent. He also told me that I only listened to Linkin Park's bad songs.Linkin Park does not have any bad songs. __________________ Meaning Now this is where I am a expert at. The meaning of a song can tell you what the artist thinks.What he has to say and expresses it into songs.Artists such as Fort Minor put meaning into his songs.I am sure every song has a meaning but his songs has meanings what people can relate. Instead of any sex related songs,which I do not listen to,he wrights songs about people, about past events.I am not going to get into that now I will get into that later in the post. You can also tell what people are like when they listen to songs.If they listen to songs about sex it means that they want to do something or has already done something.Or has a girlfriend and enjoys listening to these songs to get him in the mood. When people listen to songs about love it means that are very romantic and would turn it on during a special dinner of some sort. Do you see the difference? Now I would like you to do a compare these 2 songs: http://youtube.com/watch?v=Zxf0TOk0ho0 and http://youtube.com/watch?v=U9UI-m-Qd8s You can see the difference right? Fort Minor song about world war 2 and was basing it on a man named Kenji. 50 Cent song about sex and was basing it on a candy shop. _______________
simply put, 50 cent is simplistic and unsofisticated. I listen to music for the meaning of songs, not for beats or guitar riffs. Lyrics are whats important, which is why I listen to grunge music the most, the lyrics speak to me. Music is about taste, and the individual finds good, and can't be generalized into the black and white good/bad catagories.
^^^I almost stopped there too, because I really hate linkin park. They where ok as Hybrid theory, but now they suck to me
I listen to Hip Hop, Rap and RnB alot. To say its all about Guns, Drugs and Sex is probably the most unsophisticated thing you could ever say about it. Hip Hop and Rap music, as with all music, is crammed with hidden meanings. A majority of this music is made to fool people into thinking its about the above, which is used as a way to show the short-sightedness of people. True 50-Cent is a jerk a majority of the time, but in no way is he stupid. He knows exactly what he is doing, and look at where he has gotten for it. And if you managed to live through some of the things he lived through, im sure you would want to tell others about it. If you are going to try and analyze this style of music, then i suggest you choose an artist who has actually succeeded from skill. 50 Cent got as popular as he did from careful timing and alot of luck, 5 years ago he would have never survived. Why don't you look up, Jay-Z, Nas, Kanye West, Lupe Fiasco.
I understand what you are saying Matty and I'm glad you didnt bash linkin park.Im glad you stayed on subject. I am not just bashing 50 cent he is not the only one who sings about these things.I see Usher and many others doing this. If you are saying that most songs have hidden meanings then i dont see them.I know metallica has a couple of songs about the powers of drugs. I do not see many songs about his past or his childhood like in see in eminem's songs. Now that last paragraph are you trying to say that 50 cent is a bad rapper? I will look up these people.I will get back here with some new info.
I really like Linkin Park. They did an album with Jay-Z which you should definately listen to. And yes, most songs have a hidden meaning which alot of people dont understand at all. You have to listen to this kind of music alot to get it. I don't think 50 Cent is great, but he is definately a success in the music bussiness. And the key to bieng a success is to appeal to a wider audience, hence Usher changing his style alot.
Think about it. Usher and 50 Cent would rather have money then respect.While Fort Minor would rather have the respect than the money.I like him for the reasons i listed above but also he has songs that teaches people never to thing that are bad sorta like mettalica. He's a good role model.One song ciggarete by him explains these things.Maybe this is what your talking about by hidden meanings cuz the song explains a lot but there are other bits that u have to find
It all depends on how they were brought up. And using 50 Cent as an example for this isn't a good idea.
i dont understand by 'it all depends on how they were brought.' I dont hate 50 Cent and y isnt it a good example
Because his lyrics have little meaning and he is an awful role model. He gets arrested on a weekly basis.
Fort Minor does not get arrested on a weekly bases.His songs have a lot of meaning and he goes around asking people things and getting ideas for his songs.
Fort Minor or Mike Shinoda is the role model not 50 Cent.50 Cent would rather have the money then respect.He still recieves the money and he hardly even respects others. Fort minor is the person that plays the keys in linkin park.His real name is Mike Shinoda
Your not even making sense, you asked why 50 cent made a bad role model, and i told you. I never said anything about this other character. Try not to fall into the trap of judging other music as bad, just because you dont like it. Im not saying you are, but most people do, so be careful. Im probably not going to post here again, unless something important comes into play.