Hmm I was JUST listening to Muse as I looked at this map... Muse is an awesome band. Probably one of the best rock bands eva. The dome looks great (im directing this at ur friend who made it), and at least you took some time in making a cool stage =). What does the flamethrower represent? A guitar? That would be awesome.
I think i will try this ill try to recreate the pyramid stage at Glastonbury For the other stage and the dumpsters were supposed to be amps lol. Lol im going to try there must be something. Another muse fan yeah and the flamethrower represents matts mirror manson because there is only one and everyone wants it. It was from wembly matt lay his guitar down on the isle after plugin baby, and someone ran up on stage at the end of the concert and stole it lol silly matt.
Yes sure i wasn't building HAARP lol i was board because i had nothing else to do i just starting forgeing a stage and for some reason i thought of muse when i had a look at it. The teleports are supposed to be those six weird radar dish things they have and if you want you could try Dom's hut thing to protect him from getting hit from matts guitars lol.
Let me guess, GH 3? Anyways, even though I'm a Muse fan, I just dont really think of joining a social group of muse. Lets just say im not "obsessed" with them, just enjoy them. And no i haven't seem them live =(. I hear they are really good
. cant believe i didn't see this before and i felt i had to post. looks really good knowing you used the pre made dome by nathon green. the mancannons are a great addition as well as the pyrotechnicsl explosion. but my only complaint is that the stage seems pushed back and cluttered together. but good job
Yeah i think in version two i will make alot of space and try the HAARP stage, then im going to try and recreate the pyramid stage.
I've never seen the dome before so the dome is awesome! As for the actual map part that you forged, I like the fusions coils underneath.
Is been round for a while now there's even a video about the dome:
This is true i tried lots of various ways to make a good looking drumkit but this is the best i could think of.