by Mikepwnsnoobs Munition- UNSC weapons manufacturing and testing facility. Download here Hi everybody! Munition is my newest map, created as a UNSC weapons plant. The map idea came to me while I was playing around with some new gameplay elements and it sort of just drew out itself while I was making the layout. This map took me about 5 days, about 15 hours of total planning and forging total. The map has some inspiration from Chill Out, but most of it was created as I plotted the map out. Here is a layout I made in paint: Here are some pics: The central bridge, rocket spawn, and grav lift in view An overview of the defender's base The shotgun/ regenerator spawn, with the grav lift entrance in view The entrance to the shotty hall, through the rocket pipes Looking out from the attacker spawn A look down the center hall towards the attacker spawn Another good view of the center hall Time to meet ur maker I still need about 6 or 7 players to playtest the map. If you want to help, send a FR to GT: Mikepwnsnoobs and I'll invite you when I have time to playtest the map, so try to be online sometime during next weekend and I'm sure I'll be able to get there. We'll probably be playing TS, 1 Flag, and 1 bomb. And I forgot this until right now, but we might try Conquest as I set the map up for linear territories. I hope you like the map, I worked really hard and I think it is pretty good so far. As usual, any comments/suggestions are welcome. Thanks! Mike P.S.- I'll add a gameplay video and player comments when I can get the playtesting done, so stay tuned, I'll update this thread most likely next weekend, but it may be sooner
That is complete spam, dont ever "test" in a map thread please delete it The map looks good, I like the layout and the two colums that bend. These factors make you map look good the most. i think 2v2 could also be great on this map, good job
This looks great! Awesome layout, great weapon placement, and very smooth interlocking. I might suggest though, that you slightly lower the bridges a tiny bit, purely for aesthetics. But apart from that, 8/10. Nice job. Keep on Forging!
this map looks appealing just because of its seemingly random array of aesthetic touches (thats good) they all make me think of different situations i could get into with all of them, (thats also good) unique, simply because of the simplicity of the map, which i like. others may not though. 8.8/10
pros-looks like a lot of fun and you have made many gametypes to support the map which makes the map stronger. cons-Not much. Maybe turn some of the boxes sideways so the good side is looking in. LOL, You know what i mean by the good side, I mean the bottom of the box. That would be purely for astetics. Not many bad things about this map. Grading Gameplay-5/5 Interlocking-4.5/5 Overall Astetics-3.8/5 Post-5/5(love the map design made in paint) Overall-4.8/5 Great map and keep forging. Keep making your paint creations as well cause they rock.LOL
Looks kinda good. I'll give it a download and check things out. Nice layout right there. Almost all structures are well done maybe except for the bridges. When you interlock stuff like that(bridges), make sure that it is balanced (I know that it may be hard to understand but try to). Good job though.
This really looks cool. I like the curve boxes at the shotgun entrance with the rockets on it, that looks pretty tight. I do think that they are a little close. You could easily grab the rockets and slide in to get the shotgun and thats a pretty strong combo that seems a little too easy to obtain. From the looks of it, I would really like to play swat on this map. You should definatly post a weapons list with the respawn rates and spare clips for a better idea of the gameplay. My gamertag is the same as my name here in all lowercase so you can hit me up if you want some help testing.
Thanks! I realize that it seems like the shotty and rockets would be fairly imbalanced, but the truth is that it is set up so that they have a tough time dealing with the sniper. It is hard to get to the rockets with out being sniped, and the logic behind putting the regen with the shotty being that when he goes up the lift, he's easy pickin's for a waiting sniper. A lot of thought went into this and I think it would be very balanced
it seems like there are three different really good maps put together...does that make it really really really good map? shuld def get a feature 5/5 love the rocket hall