MultiTeam Free-Roam, players are the bomb goals

Discussion in 'Reach Gametypes' started by junker404, Oct 4, 2010.

  1. junker404

    junker404 Forerunner

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    something ive been playing about with a game variant on assault, planting assault bombs on other players in Reach

    Gemini Spartan Armed
    Multiplayer Assault

    Assault with freeroam bomb plates, plant your bomb on another teams player

    Ability Packs

    BombSpawn (Sprint)
    Pick up your teams Spawning pack and you become the Bomb Spawner for your team
    if your Spawning pack is stolen by another team it does not become their spawner how ever it will spawn your bombs at the wearers location. until its dropped and respawns back in home base for your use

    BombGoal (Armor Lock)
    paranoid, well you should be...Since you are the bomb goal you have Armor Lock this ability will allow you to survive a bomb blast
    If for any reason you do not pick up your teams GOAL pack and leave it in base
    If its stolen by another team & that member picks up his own bomb he will arm himself(karma) and upon detonation the GOAL pack will respawn in the packs home base
    ...but remember if you are your teams BombGoal you can not arm the bomb you can carry it but a BombGoal cannot arm another BombGoal
    All other abilities on the map are NULL packs for use by any one

    Full use available to both BombGoal & BombSpawners
    While you are in a vehicle you can arm another Teams BombGoal who is in a vehicle by getting your vehicle as close as possible to the BombGoal position in that vehicle
    Why is my Bomb Not Resetting

    If you have just planted the bomb on a teams BombGoal and it detonates then your bomb will spawn immediately out of the your teams spawner and drop to the floor it will not reset because it was never picked up its a new spawned bomb, you have to go get it, it will only reset if its been picked up and dropped.

    1, if you have planted your bomb on anothers teams BombGoal HOLD X so you immediately pick up your new spawned bomb after detonation.
    2. take down the other teams BombGoal before planting your bomb, you will have time to get multiple bomb plants on his dead boby before its removed from the field or his teams gets there to defend it.

    stick together and protect your BombGoal, team play wins
    rendered videos planting the asault bomb on players
    player to player
    Spartan Armed 1
    mongoose to mongoose
    Spartan Armed 2
    passenger to driver
    Spartan Armed 3
    armor lock = win
    Spartan Armed 4

    you need both Game & Map for it to work
    just a test map, needs a decent map
    download test map, use the game variant for it to work

    Gemini (Spartan Armed) game variant disarm disabled
    download game variant Multi Team
    you could have disarm enabled, this would add a bit to the game play as you have to bring down the spartan wearing the GOAL and arm his dead body, his team mates have to get there and disarm it, arming a live spartan will always result in a disarm,... needs play testing
    disarm enabled...kill him first to arm bomb or he will disarm every time
    Game Variant 2...multi team,Dead Spartan Armed

    in my best match making voice "Spartan Armed"

    there is also an neutral assault version : Reach : Player File Sets
    #1 junker404, Oct 4, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2010
  2. Sgt Surchin

    Senior Member

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    i'm just wondering, how did you make it so that the enemies are the plant points? it would be useful for a kamikaze mini game.
  3. junker404

    junker404 Forerunner

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    in forge just set an ability to AS_Bomb or AS_Goal
  4. Pro Gamer 555

    Pro Gamer 555 Forerunner

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    I don't know man, whats with the being blacklisted from forums?
    And you commented on your 1st video which means you were blacklisted after posting it.
    #4 Pro Gamer 555, Oct 4, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2010
  5. Sgt Surchin

    Senior Member

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    well damn. thats a cool little thing you found. i might just have to use that sometime.
  6. junker404

    junker404 Forerunner

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    i was blacklisted for pimping a it as a custom game in the wrong forum

    yeh its a lot of fun, just set an ability to either spawn or a goal plate, 2 man team one spawns em the other is a target goal, neutral assault is turning out to a lot of fun, with disarm enabled, you have to bring him down for a detonation
  7. StreetSoccer12

    StreetSoccer12 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I don't really see how the bomb is something, I tested this out for myself and the bomb would just appear on top of the armor ability.
  8. Norbert220

    Norbert220 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Why isn't this more well known yet? It's brilliant!
  9. junker404

    junker404 Forerunner

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    i dont know, im trying my best to get it out & about, i think its a lot of fun & has potential for a few game ideas

    try this one im still working on

    GrifBall meets Rocket race with FreeRoam Goals in a big ass arena

    USE both game & map variant for best results
    -----> file set <-----

    its a bigger blast ;)

    you can arm from mongoose to mongoose or from spartan to spartan, but a goal spartan can not arm another goal spartan.
    If you are Armed, the only way to disram is to rush over to the suicide booth, you take one for the team but the bomb resets.
    where ever your body lands it can be armed, so guard that corpse until it resets

    if you want to make it harder "enable disarm" you will have bring the spartan down to arm him

    basic grifball set
    each with a plasma pistol for mega shields and stalling mongooses

    min 2 players
    #9 junker404, Oct 13, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2010
  10. killllllll11488

    killllllll11488 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Lol, DL link leads to pic of forgeworld map. Might want to fix that. But I am super magic so I found it anyway.
    #10 killllllll11488, Oct 13, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2010
  11. junker404

    junker404 Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    ;) thanks for the heads up, i normally check that sort of thing
  12. caniblcake

    caniblcake Forerunner

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    An alternative idea, to prevent stealing of the enemy team's equipment, would be to have both bomb spawn and plant point on jetpack, and then force the players to use the jetpacks to get onto the field or die.
  13. junker404

    junker404 Forerunner

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    the only problem there is if that player gets killed his body is still on the field with the ability pack on his back, while you have spawned off field and need it to get back on the field
    ...its a long wait when theres a team mate in game getting his ass kicked

    i thought of all sorts of option on that one, options to remove corpse quicker would solve it

    im just working on a mongoose tag game multiteam (2 players per team)
    Rocket Race but sort of assault slayer, mongoose is the goal and you can arm from mongoose to mongoose, driver arms, passenger has rockets and plasma pistol to ward off attacks, both team members carry bomb spawners, radomizes between them (i think)

    first test look good

    players are invincable so no respawning, no waiting for the pack
    #13 junker404, Oct 14, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2010
  14. Dabobyjoeson

    Dabobyjoeson Forerunner

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    well i wanted to Dl
    but your link is broken, fixing it would be appreciated it looks so amazing
  15. junker404

    junker404 Forerunner

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    ive just tried all links and they work fine

    link to file share : Reach : Player File Sets

    try again all links work for me
  16. Filjah

    Filjah Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ha I'm working on something like this but instead of a "freeroam" area it's more of a "grifball arena" area. Glad to see someone else doing the same thing :D, means I'm doing something right! I like your "Mongoose to Mongoose" idea too, going to see if I can do something about that too, for funsies!
    #16 Filjah, Oct 16, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2010
  17. junker404

    junker404 Forerunner

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    cool , good hear im not the only one playing with this

    yeh i did a grifball meets rocket race one, only thing with that is if you get killed on the field the goal is still laying out there on you corpse until it resets.
    so if you are the goal in grifball with a jet pack try and stay at your end of the field and keep jetpacking out the way.

    grifball XL

    be careful with mongooses it a tricky thing setting up, you have to get the shape/hit box right, due to fact a goal cannot arm another goal...shape areas cannot be touching or else you get a negative hit (cant arm)

    same if you have a driver with the bomb and passenger is your goal, and the other team have same set up, when mongooses are near each other hit boxes for both goals touch so drivers cant arm

    just playing about with a sort of Rocket race with assault bombs, where goals can arm goals, driver spawns and arms the bombs, mongoose is the goal and the passenger has rockets and plasma pistol for defending his goose,
    first tests seem to work, you have to smack your goose into a certain position on the other goose or both teams arm each other no matter what,....... its all about the shape(hit boxes)

    this works great for hogs due to the nature of the seating and where the bomb carrier is in relation to the hogs main handle (center of object mesh), to arm from hog to hog you have to get who ever is carrying the bomb as close the front or rear of the other hog, sort of cut em off a front pass as close as possible, driving skills needed,

    3 man team driver carries the bomb, gause gunner and passenger with rockets and plasma pistol for stalling ....great fun
    #17 junker404, Oct 16, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2010
  18. Filjah

    Filjah Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sounds like! Thanks for the tips, I'm going to try out a sort of 1vsome number where it's one sided and the bomb plant point is a tank, and the other team has to plant a bomb on the tank. How does that sound, idea wise?
  19. junker404

    junker404 Forerunner

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    sounds not very fair on the tank guy, he would get armed pretty quick, unless the other team started way back, give the tank guy time to swing round

    try banshees, something i was going to play with next, FFA air assault (multi team)

    shape wise
    top 0
    bottom 3 or something like, would need testing

    you have to fly directly under the other bashees to arm
    #19 junker404, Oct 16, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2010
  20. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    Omg, best find so far really hard to get into my head how this works without actually testing it but it sounds like it opens up a hole new world of possiblitys in games.

    Doesn't the bomb guy have to be holding to bomb to plant it though? does it just spawn in your hands?

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