Next Mass Effect not to be ME3, but a spin off with Commander Shepard not as the main character. And this Spin Off shall have multiplayer. As the article states, the game is supposed to "Appeal to a Call Of Duty like Market..." This is either very good, or incredibly bad... Article: MP ME?
Unlikely. Bioware said late 2011 or early 2012 release date. Not enough time to make a spinoff and a complete new installment. I'm guessing it's a trailer with that dirtied up space marine going through an epic battle with geth or some new enemy and when it seems like he is winning he gets killed. Camera pans back to reveal an Earth in ruin and a reaper hovering overhead.
I really doubt this. I hope ME3 doesn't waste disc space for multiplayer but if they included like a separate disc or something it would be cool. The game should at least have co-op.
Seems kind of sketchy but I would probably buy it as long as it didn't F with ME3. The combat in ME2 was a lot better than ME1 so they're going in the right direction with that and they could add some RPG elements for unlocking stuff as you progress through multiplayer.