Sandbox Multi Floor

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Random11714, Mar 14, 2010.

  1. Random11714

    Random11714 Ancient
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    This map is in the skybubble, it's a 6 story (including the roof) building. It has a couple of secrets, both of which you could probably find easily on accident without looking for it. It only works for oddball and slayer. It is mainly for FFA, but you can do small teams if you want. The map layout didn't work out with KOTH, and it really wouldn't be a good infection map either.

    The Roof:
    The 5th floor:
    The 4th floor:
    The 3rd floor:
    The 2nd floor:
    The 1st floor:

    Dl Link:

    Battle Rifle x3
    Shotgun x1 120 seconds
    Sniper Rifle x1 60 seconds (It's really a close range map, the sniper rifle is just for fun.)
    SMG x2
    Spiker x2
    Plasma Rifle x2
    Magnum x4
    Brute Shot x1 90 seconds

    Fragmentation Grenade x7
    Plasma Grenade x5
    Gravity Lift x1
    Radar Jammer x1 180 seconds (This is basically a power-weapon, since it will affect EVERYONE on the map, yet the user as well, even though it's hard to use the radar on a map like this anyways.)
    Flare x1 120 seconds (Also effects everyone.)
    #1 Random11714, Mar 14, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2010
  2. ..::Brotherston!x

    Senior Member

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    This is a good idea, not the most original but good.I can see you know how to interlock but you are too lazy to apply it to an entire map, am I right?
    You didn't give me any clues towards how the map is laid out or what weapons are available.I wish I could praise this map but there are too many areas I can criticise.
    I can see you have good ideas but you lack ability. Consult the Forging101 forum and you should flurish.
    2/5 but good luck.
  3. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It would be nice to see more of the layout. This sounds like a good idea but it could use some work. I can't imagine this flowing very well without lots of places where you can can see and shoot between floors. You could also try adding some walkways on the outside of the building that go between floors if you have enough money/objects. This actually looks like it could be a good 1 flag map. I would say make a V2, make the floors less bumpy, add some kind of call out on each floor (like a blue floor, a red floor, a gold floor, ETC.) to make it easier to know which floor you're on. Try improving the flow and experiment with one-flag. This has some great potential, it just isn't quite there yet.
    #3 Psychoduck, Mar 14, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2010
  4. Random11714

    Random11714 Ancient
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    @BennyBhoy: Actually I have read the forging 101 and 201 tutorials (even though the 201 doesn't apply here). This is a map I made a while back, I just now posted it because before I didn't know how to post pictures. I don't see anything wrong with it that needs interlocking. I did this map before ghost-merging was discovered, and geo-merging is way to much of a hassle without doors like in Foundry. I'll put a weapon and equipment list on it after this reply. But just regular interlocking, I don't see anything wrong with it.

    @Psychoduck: This map was not intended at all to be any type of team map. It is meant purely for FFA. The callouts would be hard to add because one blue or red light will affect every floor. Each floor has its own individual layout, so you could use something about that to call it out. I could add gold columns, though, but still, it's not meant to be a team map. Although I might make a V2 just for 1 flag or 1 bomb, you were probably thinking of putting the flag or bomb plant on the roof, right?
    #4 Random11714, Mar 14, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2010
  5. ..::Brotherston!x

    Senior Member

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    @Random11714 Well I can only say un-interlocked floors made of walls = big bumps = bad BR battles and difficulty traversing through the tubes I see in one of the levels = bad gameplay. Also you haven't said WHERE the weapons/power-ups are and on the subject of weapons that seems an awful lot of power weapons for a tiny map. Also your passive aggresion is very unattractive and will make you enemies at 4Chub so be careful.
  6. Random11714

    Random11714 Ancient
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    @BennyBhoy: I wasn't typing in all-caps to signify yelling, I was doing it to exaggerate what I was saying, but I'll go back and put it in italics instead. The only power weapons on the map are a shotgun and a sniper... and I don't know how to fix the bumpy floors, because of the vector problem Bungie announced. I've had no trouble going through the tubes. Oh, and the bumps aren't nearly as big as you think they are, and in a map this size, you probably wouldn't be using a battle rifle.
    #6 Random11714, Mar 14, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2010
  7. Dirt Jockey

    Dirt Jockey Ancient

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    Downloaded.... Deleted

    ...Even though it is a simple Structure, I can tell the amount of work you put into this map. However because of the general layout I can tell you for sure this map will suck at FFA, because the person who spawns on the top, or spawns on the bottom will have a natural advantage over the people who spawn in the middle floors. Thats why I think this map would be perfect for LAST MAN STANDING or other INFECTION gametypes where the Zombies could all spawn on the bottom and fight to the top. Also your bumpy floors will come into play, Instead of providing horrible BR shootouts it will instead make it more difficult to headshot Zombies.

    As far as your weapons are concerned- The Sniper is useless and the NEEDLER is the power weapon on this map. I think you have yet to realize that due to failure to test properly.

    I hate filters, but this map I think is asking for GLOOMY. It would really hide the obvious blemishes of Pre-Ghost merging, and it would create an atmosphere similar to a Skyscraper that is suffering from a Power Outage. (By the way a Falling Elevator would be EPIC)

    In a nutshell: I think this map should be custom made for ONLY Infection gametypes, you should edit the weapons and modify the layout accordingly and you just might have yourself a fun map to play on.
    #7 Dirt Jockey, Mar 14, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2010
  8. Random11714

    Random11714 Ancient
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    @Dirt Jockey: I probably put a lot more work into this map than you think. You guys are definitely exaggerating how bad the bumps are. Needlers aren't really that good at short range, they're more of a medium range weapon. The person with a higher elevation having the advantage, maybe. I don't see how that would be an advantage in this map, but that's part of the map anyways, otherwise what's the point of different FFA maps anyways? I have, in fact, tested this map and the slayer I agree could be better, but oddball is pretty fun on it. Nevertheless, I'll increase the spawn rate for the needlers, probably 30 seconds each.

    I've also decided I'll make a V2, one that will be much more aesthetically pleasing and hopefully better gameplay. I'll try to not use walls at all for the floors, there will probably be no roof you can get on, and you will probably start more towards the bottom. There won't be a fake armory, or messages outside the building, I'll try to keep it straightforward, and maybe replace the gravity lifts with teleporters or ledges to jump on. I'll replace the two needlers with... two assault rifles?
    #8 Random11714, Mar 14, 2010
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2010
  9. Dirt Jockey

    Dirt Jockey Ancient

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    I think you should do less talking and more listening. Im trying to help you...
  10. Random11714

    Random11714 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I see that and you have my full attention. It's just it's hard to take help from someone who is insulting you.
  11. Decadence Night

    Decadence Night Ancient
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    dude, everything that's been said here has been, for the most part, constructive criticism. You're taking the comments way too personally. Dirt Jockey did not insult you at all. People with your kind of attitude don't make it far here. Lighten up, and take criticism the way it's supposed to be taken; an outside opinion that should be considered if you want to improve your work.

    as for the map itself, it does seem that it hasn't gone through much testing. The weapon layout isn't balanced. and while the bumps are scarce, and mostly not too bad from what I can see, they do tend to disrupt gameplay significantly.
  12. Random11714

    Random11714 Ancient
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    @Decadence Knight: The only thing I found insulting about his comment is that he said the FFA would "suck". That's all. He could have used a nicer word.

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