The tunnels aren't really meant to be anything except for a couple extra spawns. People rarely go out there but when they do, they usually just go for the Chopper or if they're sniping because of the height advantage of the two arms. Also, I'm really happy for you, I'mma let you finish, but Mudkip was one of the best memes of all time! Of all time!
Maybe I'm just old but what the hell is a mudkip? I also really enjoyed playing on this map, its a lot of fun and I really thought it was budget glitches because it had so much going on.
Thanks for the compliment. The map isn't budget glitched either, however I have used up all of my budget and all of the Block Huges and Doubles. Oh, and Mudkip is a Genration III Pokemon. It's an internet meme dating back to 2005.
Well assassian, your probably going to miss out on a very well forged map. Great job on this dude, Mudkip Farm sounds hilarious and I can't wait to get my hands on a copy of this map. It looks like it would play GREAT with a 5v5 BRs game.
I added a download link to the original post so that if anybody wanted to test this version, they could do that for me. I still haven't been able to and I would really appreciate it if someone did a quick test for me so I can get some feedback on how it plays, what needs to be change, etc. Also, thank you for all the positive comments on the map so far. I really tried to put all my effort into this map and I really hope it turns out as great as I think it will.
Updated the original post with changes and adjustments as well as new pictures. Didn't want to make a new thread so excuse the bump.
hmmm...OS and camo next to each other? that sounds like a Very, Very bad combination. but...I liek mudkipz! and BTW, i'm real happy for you, and I'mma let you finish, but mudkip ruins was the best Mudkip-based maps of all time! OF ALL TIME!!
I'm experimenting with it. Besides, Overshield doesn't spawn at the start. Even if you pick up both, it wouldn't do you any good because Overshield neutralizes any effects of Camo.
What's retarded, child, is you. You say you failed to DL MoonWaffle cause it had a stupid name (on the contrary, i rather enjoyed it), either way you do realize you could easily alter the name all your own? It's nothing seriously wrong as long as you don't go ahead afterward and sell it as your own..