Hey everyone! This is my third map that I've posted. Well anyways, this map took me a while to make thanks to stupid bungie and their retarded rocks. Well anyways... in this map you just need to climb up to the top a mountian and stay there. Sounds simple enough but there's plenty of obstacles (mostly rocks). First it's hard enough just to get to the top but when people are trying to blow you up or snipe you it's pretty hard. The sniper people and demo guys are what I like to call the sabetours or however you spell that... and once you die you become one. Your probably thinking well I'll never die, well you're sadly mistaken. You can die from plenty of things, falling, being shot, being blown up, being a noob, etc. Then you get spawned up on one of two platforms high up in the sky. There are shade turrets, snipers, and spartan lasers. Down to the custom gametype... it is a king of the hill gametype meaning you need to be in the "hill" (on in this case). The "king" of the hill gets 1.5 overshields and unlimited ammo making him truly king. Now pictures! One side of the mountain. The top of the mountain. Platform in the sky, the second looks the same. Other side of the mountain. I'll also be adding a video of the map and gameplay for people who are not completely understanding my description. THANKS!