Mount Paradox! This is a semi-hard jumping map with plenty of jumps. The goal is to try to make your way to the top of the "mountain." Sounds simple enough right? WRONG! lol, just kidding, it's actually really not that hard.. it's just a wee bit confusing cause the blocks your jumping on go up and down.. You'll know what i mean when you play it. The map is broken up into three parts with 2 checkpoints. After each checkpoint, the map gets harder. Muahahahaha This is where you spawn, and also where the teleporters are at for the checkpoints.. This is basically the first level, looks hard right?GOOD! This is the second part, now this part is harder than the first level... The higher you go, the harder it gets! Now this is the last part. It's kinda tricky because all of the rocks are tilted and what not.. But just incase you do fall, thank god you got a checkpoint! FINALLY! You've made it! Congrats!