i no it looks open but you cant get in noone ever really notices it while playing cuz they're either getting shot or watching the volcano lol
You are the switch map master (not the God yet, you have to beat Cosmic Rick and his Pallet Parade). This is awesome, I'm glad you didn't make fusion coils shoot out because in my eyes that would of felt a little noobish. Keep up the good work and keep bringing the community new creative ideas. -CaMOfo
If you're into playing KOTH on a Volcano, check out my map, named... um, Volcano. It's here in the Casual Maps, somewhere in the first 4-5 pages. It's definitely not as polished as this volcano (mine's not round, and this guy is clearly better with the interlocking than I am) but it is a functional volcano, built specifically for KOTH matches, and I've got about 80 DLs. Feedback has been really positive and people seem to be enjoying it. Check it out. But on the topic of Mt. Kilamanjaro here... nice job, man this looks great.
I just love the volcano. Very creative and....well just awesome. I have only one bad thing: It isn't that fun on live
well i think so.......i like splattering people with the volcano =] team/freeforall BR's is most recommended
its so funny cause we started this at bungie and it went to the switch site then forge hub haha o btw i love ur drawbridge v2! its sweet