First ever, real plan on a map ever in the the universe of everland. This is obviously based on my fav map ascension from halo 2, I nearly urinated at the sight of it when i saw forgeworld viDoc, Anyways here it is, let me know if its utterly terrible or a good start?? I've never designed something before soo give me some bonus points on critisisum, I do have sketchup and ill try to not fail when making it if you guys think its a good idea, - - - - - - - - - - - Update: - - - - - - - - - - - - i think its lookin good so far
I think it looks good. Might be a little big but you and I could make it work if you would like to use this as our collab.... Only thing is the island probably isn't going to workout as we as you want it too... Check this out. Its pretty advanced level design concepts. The most imporntant feature is the flow section. Notice how the map promotes a counterclockwise movment on guardian. (Look at link and scroll down for reference) One problem with this map is that it's all over the place. Things would be very chaotic on this map. This leads to people not knowing what to do after spawning. Furthermore I LOVE the concept A LOT!!! Ascension is pretty beast. As it seems like this is a double ascension in this map... I can't see myself passign it up.
I do think about these things, but allot of the original flow from the map is there in my opinion, if not any suggestions or changes i can make?
hmmm.... not sure how the second dish will play out, not really sure if i like it yet, youll have to fancify it a bunch when you actually make it.
Not to be a party pooper but, whats the point of remaking ascension on the ground with an extra dish? Soory, i just dont see this map getting a lot of "love"
I have to agree. Not only that, but Ascension is on Halo Reach anyway. Some of the elements of Forge world were specifically made by Bungie just so they could remake Ascension already. I don't know why you would make a remake when it is already done. All the power to you if you want to though =).
I understand, maby it wont get much love but i'd still enjoy making it since it's my first planned map.
Break these ideas up and put them to better use in other, more original maps. Honestly, a not-quite remake of a remake of Ascension is just a bad idea. You'll get nothing but questions of why you wasted your time on this. If you're really set on a remake of a Halo map, there are a lot of them to choose from.
What is the point of drawing it up in MS Paint? It just looks disgusting in paint. Do it in sketchup and give me more angles on it. I can't really understand this map. Your skills in paint really draw from the design.
I'm not quite sure this will fit right with the island. You know its as big a s sidewinder and has like a mountain in the middle.
i did, it's on the original post, but now it seems its not good enough of an idea so i might do something else.