Okay, you get 2 votes, please make them in the same reply. To vote for yourself, you'll have to use both votes, for only one count. And give a valid reason why you voted for the person you did. NO VOTES TAKEN AFTER JUNE 18th 5:00pm (my time, idk) CaMOfo Miraj SK Aleks Spartan7371 Nightfire Dow Frag Man FireFox 919 brad2222 Natu Fastforward SORRY to Katanga Askar for posting voting thread before I saw his entry... =/
Camofo, i like how clean it is,and the purple looks amazing, and miraj, cause you basically got pwnt.
I vote for Frag Man... Wait he's banned... Screw that. I vote Fast Forward instead because it's clean and reasonably accurate. Miraj was a close second followed by CaMoFo
Spartan - because his work looks very realistic Frag man - his work has great detail and looks great for paint.
Spartan7371 I have no idea how he pulls this off, but he does somehow, I almost don't believe that he made this in microsoft paint.
its a contest between fast forward and frag, but since frag is banned, and fastforward's is a little bit more appealing to me, i vote fastforward. and fastforwards is very clean and he did a great job on making it look detailed and sexy. if frag man won, it'd be like handing a trophy to a dead person
FireFox... It's amazing. It's colours are vibrant, it looks very realistic and It reminded me of when I went for a walk.
I'd have to go with either Frag Man's or Spartan7371's. Spartan's will be my official one since I don't think a banned person should be eligible. I go with Spartan's because when I think of MS Paint, that's what I'm thinking of as far as look goes. That, and I don't feel I should be voting for mine. I'm actually surprised anyone voted for mine actually, I just kinda half-assed that one. (Should I really be saying that about my own work? Seems it could hurt me. W/e, it's a forum contest.) PS. How did you determine which ones to move onto voting? Some of the ones that were presented seemed legit. Just curious on how you choose things.
There was only one that did not move onto voting. It will be given it's own "prize", or "congratulation" and I'm sorry for not adding Katanga Askar, he didnt not violate any rules, I just seemed to miss him. =/
Frag Man, as I can appreciate how well sprited it is. Don't save as JPG though, man. Oh, and now I know this contest is here, I'm gonna sprite yo' asses raw.
thats so lame, how did you not put mine in. mine was by far the best, wow. but if i had to choose it would be camofo
what do you mean something special. i wont feak i was just surprised that mine didnt make the voting. thanks