Ms. Pacman Maze2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by SpartanJediMan, Sep 12, 2009.

  1. SpartanJediMan

    SpartanJediMan Ancient
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    Ms Pac Man
    Created by JWeiner 1

    Download map here

    Inspired by DMiller360's pacman map on foundry, I decided to add another map that will will work with his game type.

    Ms PacMan Maze2 is based on the second maze from the sequel to the great arcade classic. (It is the blueish on that appears after clearing the first two boards). It is created within scale, thanks to the great grid system that sandbox has. In the gametype, (Ms.) Pacman is armed with a grav hammer, while the 4 "ghosts" are armed with swords. (Ms.) Pacman, of course, has to avoid these ghosts until the time limit's out. Unless one of the four power pellets that are picked up one of the map's corners, the ghosts can devour ms pacman with ease. They are vulnerable, however, once that power pellet is picked up. Either the time limit or destroying ms pacman will end the round, with a new pacman. Enjoy!!

    A superpowered Pacman eats a ghost

    An unsuperpowered Pacman is about to lose

    The Pacdude wandering

    Bird's eye view of the Maze
    note: the maze pic below is a combo of two images, so it seems more crooked than it is.

    The original maze from the arcade classic

    Download map here
    Infection Gametype
    DMiller360's original map
    #1 SpartanJediMan, Sep 12, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2009

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